Ping Zhao

Showing 19 publications


Hyperparametric Oscillation via Bound States in the Continuum

Fuchuan Lei, Zhichao Ye, Krishna Sundar Twayana et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 130 (9)
Journal article

Nanosecond-Pulsed Passively Q-Switched Fiber Laser by Using Photothermal Dynamics in a Dielectric Microcavity

Wenyu Wang, Bowen Xiao, Ping Zhao et al
ACS Photonics. Vol. 10 (10), p. 3656-3663
Journal article

Power-efficient hyperparametric oscillation via bound states in the continuum

Fuchuan Lei, Zhichao Ye, Krishna Sundar Twayana et al
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023
Paper in proceeding

100-Gbps per-channel all-optical wavelength conversion without pre-amplifiers based on an integrated nanophotonic platform

Ping Zhao, Zonglong He, Vijay Shekhawat et al
Nanophotonics. Vol. 12 (17), p. 3427-3434
Journal article

0.9-dB/m Single-Mode Silicon Nitride Nonlinear Integrated Waveguides for Continuous-Wave Wavelength Conversion

Ping Zhao, Marcello Girardi, Vijay Shekhawat et al
2023 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference/2023 International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings, ACP/POEM 2023
Paper in proceeding

Low-Noise Integrated Phase-Sensitive Waveguide Parametric Amplifiers

Ping Zhao, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40 (1), p. 128-135
Journal article

Low-noise Phase-sensitive Parametric Amplifiers Based on Integrated Silicon-Nitride-Waveguides for Optical Signal Processing

Ping Zhao, Zhichao Ye, Magnus Karlsson et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40 (6), p. 1847-1854
Journal article

Ultralow-loss Silicon Nitride Waveguides for Parametric Amplification

Victor Torres Company, Zhichao Ye, Ping Zhao et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Phase-Controlled Four-Wave Mixing with Pump Depletion in Compact Nonlinear Silicon Nitride Waveguides

Ping Zhao, Magnus Karlsson, Heng Zhou et al
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP. Vol. 2022-November, p. 1444-1447
Paper in proceeding

Editorial for the Special Issue on Laser Additive Manufacturing: Design, Processes, Materials and Applications

Jie Yin, Yang Liu, Ping Zhao
Micromachines. Vol. 13 (12)
Other text in scientific journal

Generation of Strong Parametric Fluorescence in a Highly-Nonlinear Silicon Nitride Waveguide With a Simple Pulsed Pump Source

Ping Zhao, Zhichao Ye, Magnus Karlsson et al
2022 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2022
Paper in proceeding

Ultralow-loss meter-long dispersion-engineered silicon nitride waveguides

Zhichao Ye, Ping Zhao, Krishna Sundar Twayana et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Analytic theory for parametric gain in lossy integrated waveguides

Magnus Karlsson, Jochen Schröder, Ping Zhao et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Improving the Dynamic Range of Analog-Optical Links with Low-noise Fiber Parametric Amplifiers

Ping Zhao, Peter Andrekson
OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021)
Paper in proceeding

Overcoming the quantum limit of optical amplification in monolithic waveguides

Zhichao Ye, Ping Zhao, Krishna Sundar Twayana et al
Science advances. Vol. 7 (38)
Journal article

Overcoming the Quantum Noise Limit with Continuous-wave Phase-Sensitive Parametric Amplification Based on a Single Integrated Silicon-Nitride Waveguide

Ping Zhao, Zhichao Ye, Magnus Karlsson et al
2021 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2021 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Enhanced analog-optical link performance with noiseless phase-sensitive fiber optical parametric amplifiers

Ping Zhao, Ravikiran Kakarla, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 28 (16), p. 23534-23544
Journal article

Waveguide tapering for improved parametric amplification in integrated nonlinear Si3N4 waveguides

Ping Zhao, Zhichao Ye, Kovendhan Vijayan et al
Optics Express. Vol. 28 (16), p. 23467-23477
Journal article

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