Stefano Ribes

Doctoral Student at Data Science and AI
Image of Stefano Ribes

Showing 4 publications


Machine Learning-Based Classification of Hardware Trojans in FPGAs Implementing RISC-V Cores

Stefano Ribes, Fabio Malatesta, Grazia Garzo et al
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy. Vol. 1, p. 717-724
Paper in proceeding

Reliability Analysis of Compressed CNNs

Stefano Ribes, Alirad Malek, Pedro Petersen Moura Trancoso et al

Mapping Multiple LSTM models on FPGAs

Stefano Ribes, Pedro Petersen Moura Trancoso, Ioannis Sourdis et al
Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, ICFPT 2020, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

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