Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema

Showing 12 publications


Exhaust waste heat recovery from a heavy-duty truck engine: Experiments and simulations

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Olof Erlandsson, Sven B Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 238
Journal article

Experimental investigation and modeling of a reciprocating piston expander for waste heat recovery from a truck engine

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Sandhya Thantla, Jens Fridh et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 186
Journal article

Experimental study of an organic Rankine cycle with R1233zd(E) for waste heat recovery from the coolant of a heavy-duty truck engine

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Sven B Andersson, Karin Munch
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 244
Journal article

On the effects of increased coolant temperatures of light duty engines on waste heat recovery

Vikram Singh, Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Karin Munch et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 172
Journal article

Optimization and Evaluation of a Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery System for a Heavy Duty Engine over a Transient Cycle

Vikram Singh, Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Xiufei Li et al
SAE Technical Papers (2020)
Journal article

Experimental Results of a Waste Heat Recovery System with Ethanol Using Exhaust Gases of a Light-duty Engine

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Fredrik Ekström, Karin Munch et al
Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on ORC Power Systems
Paper in proceeding

Thermodynamic potential of twelve working fluids in Rankine and flash cycles for waste heat recovery in heavy duty diesel engines

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Karin Munch, Sven B Andersson
Energy. Vol. 160, p. 996-1007
Journal article

Waste Heat Recovery in Heavy Duty Diesel Engines

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema
Licentiate thesis

Thermodynamic Cycle and Working Fluid Selection for Waste Heat Recovery in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Sven B Andersson, Karin Munch
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2018-April
Journal article

Combining Low- and High-Temperature Heat Sources in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine for Maximum Waste Heat Recovery Using Rankine and Flash Cycles

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Karin Munch, Sven B Andersson
Energy and Thermal Management, Air-Conditioning, and Waste Heat Utilization. Vol. 2nd ETA Conference, p. 154-171
Paper in proceeding

Thermodynamic potential of Rankine and flash cycles for waste heat recovery in a heavy duty Diesel engine

Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema, Karin Munch, Sven B Andersson
Energy Procedia. Vol. 129, p. 746-753
Paper in proceeding

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