Thermodynamic Cycles for Low- and High-Temperature Waste Heat Recovery from Heavy-Duty Engines
Doctoral thesis, 2021
The potential for waste heat recovery was investigated with steady-state simulations considering two low-temperature and two high-temperature heat sources, a wide variety of working fluids, and four thermodynamic cycles: the organic Rankine cycle (ORC), the transcritical Rankine cycle, the trilateral flash cycle, and the organic flash cycle. The best overall performance was obtained with the ORC using acetone, benzene, cyclopentane, ethanol, or methanol as the working fluid, or with R1233zd(E), MM, or Novec649 if a non-flammable and non-toxic fluid was preferred. The engine coolant was the best performing low-temperature heat source, recovering 1.5 % of the engine power, and the exhaust gas was the best performing high-temperature heat source, recovering up to 5 %. By combining multiple heat sources in series, almost 8 % was recovered. Using a dual-loop system with the engine coolant and exhaust gas as the heat source, fuel consumption was reduced by over 5 %, rising to 9 % if the engine coolant temperature was increased to 140 C.
Two test setups were constructed to experimentally investigate the performance of the simulated systems. The high-temperature setup consisted of a Rankine cycle with water using the exhaust gases as the heat source while the low-temperature setup recovered heat from the engine coolant using an ORC with R1233zd(E) as the working fluid. Based on the experimental findings, models of both setups were developed to predict their performance over a driving cycle. The low-temperature system was able to recover 0.73 % of the total energy required by the engine, while the high-temperature system could recover 3.37 %.
long haul truck
engine efficiency
internal combustion engine
trilateral flash cycle
organic flash cycle
transcritical Rankine cycle
organic Rankine cycle (ORC)
heavy-duty Diesel
waste heat recovery
Jelmer Johannes Rijpkema
Chalmers, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2), Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Included papers
Experimental study of an organic Rankine cycle with R1233zd(E) for waste heat recovery from the coolant of a heavy-duty truck engine
Energy Conversion and Management,;Vol. 244(2021)
Journal article
Optimization and Evaluation of a Low Temperature Waste Heat Recovery System for a Heavy Duty Engine over a Transient Cycle
SAE Technical Papers,;(2020)
Journal article
Exhaust waste heat recovery from a heavy-duty truck engine: Experiments and simulations
Energy,;Vol. 238(2022)
Journal article
Experimental investigation and modeling of a reciprocating piston expander for waste heat recovery from a truck engine
Applied Thermal Engineering,;Vol. 186(2021)
Journal article
Combining Low- and High-Temperature Heat Sources in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine for Maximum Waste Heat Recovery Using Rankine and Flash Cycles
Energy and Thermal Management, Air-Conditioning, and Waste Heat Utilization,;Vol. 2nd ETA Conference(2018)p. 154-171
Paper in proceeding
Thermodynamic Cycle and Working Fluid Selection for Waste Heat Recovery in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
SAE Technical Papers,;Vol. 2018-April(2018)
Journal article
Thermodynamic potential of twelve working fluids in Rankine and flash cycles for waste heat recovery in heavy duty diesel engines
Energy,;Vol. 160(2018)p. 996-1007
Journal article
Popular science description
Research Project(s)
Waste Heat Recovery - Low Temperature, Part II
Swedish Energy Agency (2017-013961), 2018-03-01 -- 2020-02-01.
Areas of Advance
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Applied Mechanics
Energy Engineering
Vehicle Engineering
Chalmers Laboratory of Fluids and Thermal Sciences
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4953
Public defence
2021-06-10 10:00 -- 17:00
Motorn, SB3, Sven Hultins Gata 8, Chalmers
Opponent: Vincent Lemort, University of Liège, Belgium