Leonardo Rosado

Studierektor at Architecture and Civil Engineering

Leonardo Rosado is an Associate professor in the Division of Water Environment Technology, research theme Urban Metabolism, at Chalmers.

Leonardo Rosado focuses on the Urban Metabolism field, using a holistic approach to develop methods to study all resource flows of cities. Leonardo has developed a groundbreaking method to account for materials in urban areas – the Urban Metabolism Analyst. The main goal is to study cities to provide valuable information to stakeholders on different levels: waste management, urban planning, industry and households.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Leonardo Rosado

Showing 43 publications


Circularity Criteria and Indicators at the Construction Material Level

Rocío Pineda-Martos, Rand Askar, Ferhat Karaca et al
Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Vol. Part F3604, p. 299-333
Book chapter

Exploring urban scenarios of individual residential waste sorting using a spatially explicit agent-based model

Jonathan Cohen, Jorge Gil, Leonardo Rosado
Waste Management. Vol. 193, p. 350-362
Journal article

Circularity Tools and Frameworks for New Buildings

Bengü Güngör, Akmaral Agibayeva, Ferhat Karaca et al
Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. Vol. Part F3604, p. 431-458
Book chapter

Buildings as material mines - Towards digitalization of resource cadasters for circular economy

Maud Lanau, Leonardo Rosado, Danielle Densley Tingley et al
Circular Economy for the Built Environment
Book chapter

Regional Metabolism: A Material and Product Flow Accounting Model for Trentino, Italy

Joana Bastos, Leonardo Rosado
Green Energy and Technology, p. 47-59
Paper in proceeding

Circular Building Strategies: A Categorization Framework

Anna Wöhler, Alexander Hollberg, Leonardo Rosado et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1363 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Revealing patterns in household product consumption and sharing: An approach to support urban governance towards a sustainable sharing economy

Divia Jimenez Encarnacion, Erica Ann Metheney, Liane Thuvander et al
Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 45, p. 244-264
Journal article

Consequence CO2 footprint analysis of circular economy scenarios in cities

Yiwen Liu, Leonardo Rosado, Alexandra Wu et al
Cleaner Production Letters. Vol. 5
Journal article

Sharing and consuming in space – what is important to know for the planning of a Sharing City?

Divia Jimenez Encarnacion, Liane Thuvander, Leonardo Rosado
11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden Book of Abstracts, p. 32-32
Other conference contribution

Machine learning-based stocks and flows modeling of road infrastructure

Babak Ebrahimi, Leonardo Rosado, Holger Wallbaum
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 26 (1), p. 44-57
Journal article

Method for identifying industrial symbiosis opportunities

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 185
Journal article

How is the construction sector addressing the Circular Economy? Lessons from current practices and perceptions in Argentina

Jonathan Edgardo Cohen, Leonardo Rosado, Jorge Gil
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Energy-efficient retrofit measures (EERM) in residential buildings: An application of discrete choice modelling

Clara Camarasa, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Ivan Sanchez-Diaz et al
Buildings. Vol. 11 (6)
Journal article

Drivers and barriers to energy-efficient technologies (EETs) in EU residential buildings

Clara Camarasa, Lokesh Kumar Kalahasthi, Leonardo Rosado
Energy and Built Environment. Vol. 2 (3), p. 290-301
Journal article

Top-down method and databases for typical product demands of 103 manufacturing industries

Joao Patricio, Divia Jimenez Encarnacion, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 164
Journal article

Methods for Downscaling National Material Consumption Data to the Regional and Municipal Levels

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (20), p. 1-16
Journal article

Key Decision-Makers and Persuaders in the Selection of Energy-Efficient Technologies in EU Residential Buildings

Clara Camarasa, Raphael Heiberger, Lena Hennes et al
Buildings. Vol. 10 (4)
Journal article

Informing sustainable consumption in urban districts: A method for transforming household expenditures into physical quantities

Alice Whetstone, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (3), p. 1-16
Journal article

A method and databases for estimating detailed industrial waste generation at different scales – With application to biogas industry development

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 246
Journal article

Combining Industrial Symbiosis with Sustainable Supply Chain Management for Development of Urban Communities

Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova
IEEE Engineering Management Review. Vol. 47 (2), p. 103-114
Journal article

Spatial analysis of urban material stock with clustering algorithms: A Northern European case study

Paul Gontia, Liane Thuvander, Babak Ebrahimi et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 23 (6), p. 1328-1343
Journal article

Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Sustainability Measures: A Systems Approach for Policy Prioritization

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (3)
Journal article

Combining material flow analysis with life cycle assessment to identify environmental hotspots of urban consumption

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 226, p. 526-539
Journal article

Enabling industrial symbiosis collaborations between SMEs from a regional perspective

Joao Patricio, Lovisa Axelsson, Simon Blome et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 202, p. 1120-1130
Journal article

Circular economy – From review of theories and practices to development of implementation tools

Yuliya Kalmykova, Madumita Sadagopan, Leonardo Rosado
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 135, p. 190-201
Journal article

Material-intensity database of residential buildings: A case-study of Sweden in the international context

Paul Gontia, Claudio Nägeli, Leonardo Rosado et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 130, p. 228-239
Journal article

Climate-Smart Stormwater Management

Sebastien Rauch, Cecilia Burzio, Leonardo Rosado et al

Region prioritization for the development of carbon capture and utilization technologies

Joao Patricio, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Arturo Castillo-Castillo et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 17, p. 50-59
Journal article

Method to identify opportunities for CCU at regional level - Matching sources and receivers

Joao Patricio, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Arturo Castillo-Castillo et al
Journal of CO2 Utilization. Vol. 22, p. 330-345
Journal article

Selecting representative products for quantifying environmental impacts of consumption in urban areas

Alexandra Lavers Westin, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 162, p. 34-44
Journal article

Resource consumption drivers and pathways to reduction: economy, policy and lifestyle impact on material flows at the national and urban scale

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado, Joao Patricio
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 132, p. 70-80
Journal article

Urban metabolism profiles. An empirical analysis of the material flow characteristics of three metropolitan areas in Sweden

Leonardo Rosado, Yuliya Kalmykova, Joao Patricio
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 126, p. 206-217
Journal article

Uncertainty in Material Flow Analysis Indicators at Different Spatial Levels

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado et al
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 19 (5), p. 837-852
Journal article

Out with the old, out with the new - The effect of transitions in TVs and monitors technology on consumption and WEEE generation in Sweden 1996-2014

Yuliya Kalmykova, Joao Patricio, Leonardo Rosado et al
Waste Management. Vol. 46, p. 511-522
Journal article

Urban Metabolism as Framework for Circular Economy Design for Cities

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado
Proceedings of the World Resources Forum 2015
Paper in proceeding

Urban Economies Resource Productivity and Decoupling: Metabolism Trends of 1996-2011 in Sweden, Stockholm, and Gothenburg

Yuliya Kalmykova, Leonardo Rosado, Joao Patricio
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (14), p. 8815-8823
Journal article

Primary and secondary battery consumption trends in Sweden 1996-2013: Method development and detailed accounting by battery type

Joao Patricio, Yuliya Kalmykova, Per Eo Berg et al
Waste Management. Vol. 39 (5), p. 236-245
Journal article

A living lab co-creation environment exemplifying Factor 10 improvements in a city district

Leonardo Rosado, Shea Hagy, Yuliya Kalmykova et al
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal. Vol. 8 (2), p. 171-185
Journal article

A Material Flow Accounting Case Study of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area using the Urban Metabolism Analyst Model

Leonardo Rosado, S. Niza, P. Ferrão
Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 18 (1), p. 84-101
Journal article

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Showing 9 research projects


Enabling circular economy action plans for small and medium-sized cities

Leonardo Rosado Building Technology

1 publication exists

Digital material inventories for sustainable urban mining

Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Josie Harrison Building Technology
Aida Eghbali Building Technology
Yinan Yu Functional Programming
Leonardo Rosado Building Technology
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

1 publication exists

SEsam: Sharing Economy sustainability assessment method to support the implementation of sharing economy initiatives.

Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Kamprad Family Foundation

3 publications exist

Digital Twin Cities Centre

Jonas Runberger Architectural theory and methods
Meta Berghauser Pont Urban Design and Planning
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Anders Logg Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Fredrik Edelvik Digital Twin Cities Centre
Johan Felix Digital Twin Cities Centre
Jorge Gil Urban Design and Planning
Graham Kemp Data Science
Bernd Ketzler Digital Twin Cities Centre
Mattias Roupé Construction Management
Alexander Hollberg Building Technology
Fredrik Nilsson Architecture and Civil Engineering
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Vasilis Naserentin Digital Twin Cities Centre
Minna Karstunen Geology and Geotechnics
Sanjay Somanath Building Technology
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Mikael Johansson Construction Management
Malgorzata Zboinska Architectural theory and methods

83 publications exist

Resource nexus for transformation to circular, resilient, and liveable cities in the context of climate change

Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Cirku-MAT c

Rosado Leonardo Water Environment Technology
EIT RawMaterials


RIS metoden - Design av regional industriell symbios: med fokus på minskning av koldioxidutsläpp

Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Region Västra Götaland


Urban Wins

Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
European Commission (EC)


dMFA - Analytical tool for supporting factor 10 at urban district level

Yuliya Kalmykova Water Environment Technology
Leonardo Rosado Water Environment Technology
Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology

There might be more projects where Leonardo Rosado participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.