Rydvikha Govender

Showing 10 publications


Evaluation in pig of an intestinal administration device for oral peptide delivery

Staffan Berg, Teresia Uggla, Malin Antonsson et al
Journal of Controlled Release. Vol. 353, p. 792-801
Journal article

Modelling the cost-benefit impact of integrated product modularisation and postponement in the supply chain for pharmaceutical mass customisation

Maria Daniela Irene Siiskonen, Rydvikha Govender, Johan Malmqvist et al
Journal of Engineering Design. Vol. 34 (10), p. 865-896
Journal article

Multiscale X-ray imaging and characterisation of pharmaceutical dosage forms

Martina Olsson, Rydvikha Govender, Ana Diaz et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 642
Journal article

Polymers in pharmaceutical additive manufacturing: A balancing act between printability and product performance

Rydvikha Govender, Eric Ofosu Kissi, Anette Larsson et al
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. Vol. 177
Review article

Enabling modular dosage form concepts for individualized multidrug therapy: Expanding the design window for poorly water-soluble drugs

Rydvikha Govender, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami, Staffan Folestad et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 602
Journal article

Independent tailoring of dose and drug release via a modularized product design concept for mass customization

Rydvikha Govender, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami, Anette Larsson et al
Pharmaceutics. Vol. 12 (8), p. 1-24
Journal article

High Content Solid Dispersions for Dose Window Extension: A Basis for Design Flexibility in Fused Deposition Modelling

Rydvikha Govender, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami, Staffan Folestad et al
Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. 37 (1)
Journal article

Injection moulded controlled release amorphous solid dispersions: Synchronized drug and polymer release for robust performance

Shivprasad Deshmukh, Anant Paradkar, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami et al
International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Vol. 575
Journal article

Therapy for the individual: Towards patient integration into the manufacturing and provision of pharmaceuticals

Rydvikha Govender, Susanna Abrahmsén-Alami, Anette Larsson et al
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. Vol. 149, p. 58-76
Review article

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