Samuel L I Olsson

Showing 31 publications


Optical Bandwidth Dependency of Nonlinearity Mitigation in Phase-Sensitive Amplifier Links

Kovendhan Vijayan, Henrik Eliasson, Benjamin Foo et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September
Paper in proceeding

Long-haul optical transmission link using low-noise phase-sensitive amplifiers

Samuel L I Olsson, Henrik Eliasson, E. Astra et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 9 (1)
Journal article

Phase-sensitive amplifier link with distributed Raman amplification

Henrik Eliasson, Kovendhan Vijayan, Benjamin Foo et al
Optics Express. Vol. 26 (16), p. 19854-19863
Journal article

Dispersion management for nonlinearity mitigation in two-span 28 GBaud QPSK phase-sensitive amplifier links

E. Astra, Samuel L I Olsson, Henrik Eliasson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 25 (12), p. 13163-13173
Journal article

Experimental investigation of nonlinearity mitigation properties of a hybrid distributed Raman/phase-sensitive amplifier link

Henrik Eliasson, Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC). Vol. Part F40-OFC 2017
Paper in proceeding

Long-Haul Optical Transmission of 16-QAM Signal with In-Line Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers

Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September, p. 1-3
Paper in proceeding

Mitigation of nonlinear distortion in hybrid Raman/phase-sensitive amplifier links

Henrik Eliasson, Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 24 (2), p. 888-900
Journal article

Dispersion map optimization for nonlinearity mitigation in two-span phase-sensitive amplifier links

E. Astra, Samuel L I Olsson, Henrik Eliasson et al
42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2016; Dusseldorf; Germany; 18 September 2016 through 22 September 2016, p. 953-955
Paper in proceeding

Nonlinear phase noise mitigation in phase-sensitive amplified transmission systems

Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
Optics Express. Vol. 23 (9), p. 11724-11740
Journal article

Phase-Sensitive Amplified Transmission Links for Improved Sensitivity and Nonlinearity Tolerance

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 33 (3), p. 710-721
Journal article

Long-Haul Optical Transmission Using In-Line Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers

Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson, Peter Andrekson
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACPC 2015, Hong Kong, 19-23 November
Paper in proceeding

Linear and nonlinear transmission of 16-QAM over 105 km phase-sensitive amplified link

Samuel L I Olsson, Tobias Eriksson, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Technical Digest Series: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2014; San Francisco, CA; United States; 9 March 2014 through 13 March 2014
Paper in proceeding

Noise beating in hybrid phase-sensitive amplifier systems

William Corcoran, Rohit Malik, Samuel L I Olsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 22 (5), p. 5762-5771
Journal article

Comparison between Coherent Superposition in DSP and PSA for Mitigation of Nonlinearities in a Single-span Link

Henrik Eliasson, Samuel L I Olsson, Magnus Karlsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2014; Cannes; France; 21 September 2014 through 25 September 2014, p. Art. no. 6964015-
Paper in proceeding

Long-Haul (3465 km) Transmission of a 10 GBd QPSK Signal with Low Noise Phase-Sensitive In-Line Amplification

Samuel L I Olsson, Carl Peter Lundström, Magnus Karlsson et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2014; Cannes; France; 21 September 2014 through 25 September 2014, p. Paper PD.2.2-
Paper in proceeding

Optical signal to noise ratio improvement through unbalanced noise beating in phase-sensitive parametric amplifiers

Rohit Malik, Ales Kumpera, Samuel L I Olsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 22 (9), p. 10477-10486
Journal article

Quadrature demultiplexing using a degenerate vector parametric amplifier

Abel Lorences Riesgo, Lan Liu, Samuel L I Olsson et al
Optics Express. Vol. 22 (24), p. 29424-29434
Journal article

Record-high sensitivity receiver using phase sensitive fiber optical parametric amplification

Rohit Malik, Samuel L I Olsson, Peter Andrekson et al
Technical Digest Series: Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2014; San Francisco, CA; United States; 9 March 2014 through 13 March 2014, p. Art. no. 6886736-
Paper in proceeding

Fiber-optic parametric amplifiers without pump dithering

Carl Peter Lundström, Rohit Malik, Abel Lorences Riesgo et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Injection locking-based pump recovery for phase-sensitive amplified links

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Optics Express. Vol. 21 (12), p. 14512-14529
Journal article

Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers for Optical Links

Carl Peter Lundström, Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran et al
Optical Fiber Communications Conference (OFC), p. OW3C.5-
Paper in proceeding

Mitigation of Nonlinear Impairments on QPSK Data in Phase-Sensitive Amplified Links

William Corcoran, Samuel L I Olsson, Carl Peter Lundström et al
39th European Conference on Optical Communication and Exhibition, ECOC 2013, London, 22-26 September 2013. Vol. 2013 (622 CP), p. 486-488
Paper in proceeding

Fiber optic parametric amplifier with 10-dB net gain without pump dithering

Carl Peter Lundström, Rohit Malik, Lars Gruner-Nielsen et al
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 25 (3), p. 234-237
Journal article

Short-Pulse Amplification in a Phase-Sensitive Amplifier

Carl Peter Lundström, William Corcoran, Samuel L I Olsson et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers (OTh1C.1)
Paper in proceeding

Brillouin Suppressed Highly Nonlinear Fibers

Lars Gruner-Nielsen, D Jakobsen, S Herstrøm et al
European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ECEOC 2012; Amsterdam; Netherlands; 16 September 2012 through 20 September 2012, p. We.1.F.1-
Paper in proceeding

Optical Injection-Locking-Based Pump Recovery for Phase-Sensitively Amplified Links

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, p. Art. no. 6192145-
Paper in proceeding

Experimental Characterization of a Phase-Sensitive Four-Mode Fiber-Optic Parametric Amplifier

Thomas Richter, William Corcoran, Samuel L I Olsson et al
38th European Conference on Optical Communication and Exhibition, ECOC 2012, Amsterdam, 16-20 September 2012
Paper in proceeding

Phase-Sensitive Optical Pre-Amplifier Implemented in an 80km DQPSK Link

William Corcoran, Samuel L I Olsson, Carl Peter Lundström et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Paper in proceeding

Phase-Sensitive Amplified Optical Link Operating in the Nonlinear Transmission Regime

Samuel L I Olsson, William Corcoran, Carl Peter Lundström et al
38th European Conference on Optical Communication and Exhibition, ECOC 2012, Amsterdam, 16-20 September 2012
Paper in proceeding

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