Nima Sasanian

Postdoc at Nano and Biophysics DP

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Showing 7 publications


Extracellular Vesicles Slow Down Aβ(1-42) Aggregation by Interfering with the Amyloid Fibril Elongation Step

Vesa Halipi, Nima Sasanian, Julia Feng et al
ACS Chemical Neuroscience. Vol. 15 (5), p. 944-954
Journal article

Probing physical properties of single amyloid fibrils using nanofluidic channels

Nima Sasanian, Sriram Kesarimangalam, Marziyeh Ghaeidamini et al
European Biophysics Journal. Vol. 52 (SUPPL 1), p. S205-S205
Other conference contribution

Probing physical properties of single amyloid fibrils using nanofluidic channels

Nima Sasanian, Rajhans Sharma, Quentin Lubart et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 15 (46), p. 18737-18744
Journal article

Graphene oxide sheets and quantum dots inhibit alpha-synuclein amyloid formation by different mechanisms

Marziyeh Ghaeidamini, David Bernson, Nima Sasanian et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 12 (37), p. 19450-19460
Journal article

Redox-Dependent Copper Ion Modulation of Amyloid-β (1-42) Aggregation In Vitro

Nima Sasanian, David Bernson, Istvan Horvath et al
Biomolecules. Vol. 10 (6), p. 1-19
Journal article

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