Stellan Holgersson
Dr. Holgersson's research is focused on a final repository for nuclear waste. The projects that are currently ongoing are concerned with sorption studies on rock material. Of special interest is the porosities and specific surface areas of different minerals and how these properties affect the sorption.

Showing 27 publications
Valuable metal recycling from thin film CIGS solar cells by leaching under mild conditions
Effect of the thorium oxide content on the leaching of a mixed thorium-uranium oxide fuel
Sorption of Se species on mineral surfaces, part I: Batch sorption and multi-site modelling
Activity coefficients in deep eutectic solvents: Implications for the solvent extraction of metals
Sorption and speciation of selenium in boreal forest soil
Behavior of Cs in Grimsel granodiorite: sorption on main minerals and crushed rock
Studies on Batch Sorption Methodologies: Eu Sorption onto Kivetty Granite
Dependency of BET surface area on particle size for some granitic minerals.
Correlation between particle size and surface area for chlorite and K-feldspar
Behaviour of spent HTR fuel elements in aquatic phases of repository host rock formations
Diffusion of HTO and cement pore fluids through host rock
A Method for Preparation and Purification of 234-Th"
Studies on the Effect of Concrete on the Chemistry in a Repository for Radioactive Waste
Interactions of cement pore fluids with host rock and the effects on HTO, Na and Cs diffusion
Effects of gluco-isosaccharinate on Cs, Ni, Pm and Th sorption onto, and diffusion into cement
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Showing 4 research projects
En analysmetod för svårmätbara nuklider
Järn som radionuklidsorbent i betongmiljö
CROCK - Crystalline Rock Retention Processes