Stina Johansson

Showing 7 publications


The silent tribe: Mapping the variety of researchers’ science communication practices across STEM disciplines

Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Stina Johansson, Maria Persson et al
Språk i praktiken - i en föränderlig värld. Rapport från ASLA-symposiet, Stockholms universitet, 7-8 april 2022. Stockholm University. , p. 60-85
Book chapter

Practices and experiences of science communication: what scientists write beyond academia

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Persson, Carina Sjöberg Hawke et al
Other conference contribution

Scientific communication beyond academia: writing practices and scientists’ experiences

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Maria Persson et al
Other conference contribution

Scientific Communication Beyond Academia. A report from the GENIE-funded Project: Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box

Raffaella Negretti, Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Stina Johansson
Report - Department for Communication and Learning in Science (CLS)

Erfarenheter av medlemskap och implementering av ORCID på Chalmers

Urban Andersson, Jonas Gilbert, Stina Johansson et al

Publication Profiles: Presenting Research in a New Way

Urban Andersson, Stina Johansson
Other conference contribution

The Geography of Science - an Example from Chalmers

Stina Johansson
ScieCom info – Nordic-Baltic Forum for Scientific Communication. Vol. 7 (4)
Magazine article

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Showing 2 research projects


Scientific communication and metacognition: Thinking outside the box

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Carina Sjöberg Hawke Language and Communication
Maria Cervin-Ellqvist Language and Communication
Stina Johansson Research support, bibliometrics and ranking
Maria Persson Language and Communication
Birgit och Gad Rausing Foundation for research in the humanities
GENIE, Chalmers Gender Initiative for Excellence
The Chalmers University Foundation

7 publications exist

Erfarenheter av medlemskap i ORCID

Jonas Gilbert Information Literacy for Learning and Research
Stina Johansson Information Literacy for Learning and Research
Martina Ramstedt Information Literacy for Learning and Research
Urban Andersson Development and Blended Learning
National Library of Sweden

1 publication exists
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