Hampus Sunner

Showing 26 publications


A GH115 α-glucuronidase from Schizophyllum commune contributes to the synergistic enzymatic deconstruction of softwood glucuronoarabinoxylan.

Lauren S McKee, Hampus Sunner, George E Anasontzis et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 9 (1), p. 2-
Journal article

Synthesis and enzymatic hydrolysis of a diaryl benzyl ester model of a lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC)

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos et al
Holzforschung. Vol. 70 (5), p. 385-391
Journal article

Novel glucuronoyl esterases for wood processing

Sylvia Klaubauf, Silvia Hüttner, Hampus Sunner et al
18th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulp Chemistry. Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2, p. 310-311
Other conference contribution

Glucuronoyl Esterase Screening and Characterization Assays Utilizing Commercially Available Benzyl Glucuronic Acid Ester

Hampus Sunner, M. D. Charavgi, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Molecules. Vol. 20 (10), p. 17807-17817
Journal article

Fungal Glucuronoyl and Feruloyl Esterases for Wood Processing and Phenolic Acid Ester/Sugar Ester Synthesis

Silvia Hüttner, Sylvia Klaubauf, Hampus Sunner et al
Biotrans 2015, 26-30 July 2015, Vienna, Austria
Conference poster

Fungal Glucuronoyl and Feruloyl Esterases for Wood Processing and Phenolic Acid Ester/Sugar Ester Synthesis

Silvia Hüttner, Sylvia Klaubauf, Hampus Sunner et al
Biotrans 2015, Vienna, Austria, 26-30 July 2015
Conference poster

New glucuronoyl esterases for wood processing

Sylvia Klaubauf, Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson et al
CBM11 - 11th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting
Conference poster

Separation of galactoglucomannans, lignin and lignin-carbohydrate complexes from hot-water-extracted Norway spruce by cross-flow filtration and adsorption chromatography

Niklas Westerberg, Hampus Sunner, Henriksson Gunnar et al
BioResources. Vol. 7 (4), p. 4501-4516
Journal article

Synthesis of Model Compounds for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Gunnar Westman et al
12-15 June 2012, 23:rd Organikerdagarna, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster

Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds

Hampus Sunner, Filip Nylander, Gunnar Westman et al
1-14 July 2012, Hands-on Course “From Proteomics to Proteins”, Caparica, Portugal
Other conference contribution

The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson et al
1-14 July 2012, Hands-on Course “From Proteomics to Proteins”, Caparica, Portugal
Conference poster

Synthesis of Molecules for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Gunnar Westman et al
Chalmers Chemistry and Biochemistry Divisional Conference, Lysekil, Sweden
Conference poster

The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Gunnar Westman et al
18-19 June 2012, WWSC Workshop and poster-exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference poster

A natural substrate Glucuronic Acid Esterase assay

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
Italic6/COST conference, Viterbo, Italy
Conference poster

Towards An Assay For Glucuronoyl Esterase On Natural Lignin-Carbohydrate Ester Bonds

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
Italic6/COST conference proceedings
Other conference contribution

Synthesis of LCC Model Compounds for Enzyme Discovery

Filip Nylander, Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson et al
WWSC Third International Conference "New materials from trees 2011"
Conference poster

The fermentation of hemicelluloses derived from the TMP – Ecohelix process

Petri Oinonen, Hampus Sunner, Gunnar Henriksson et al
WWSC Third International Conference "New materials from trees 2011"
Conference poster

A natural substrate Glucuronic Acid Esterase assay

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
WWSC Workshop and poster-exhibition
Conference poster

Developing a Glucuronoyl Esterase assay

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
Chemistry and Biotechnology Poster day, Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference poster

Combining Substrate Specificity Analysis with Support Vector Classifiers Reveals Feruloyl Esterase as a Phylogenetically Informative Protein Group

Roberto Olivares Hernandez, Hampus Sunner, J. C. Frisvad et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 5 (9), p. Article Number: e12781-11
Journal article

Novel Enzymes for the degradation of Lignin-Carbohydrate complexes

Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson
FEBS Cource poster presentation, Analysis and Engineering of Biomolecular Systems, 10-17 Sept 2010, Spetses, Greece
Conference poster

Enzymatic wood hydrolysis – stealing technology from molds

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
WWSC Workshop, 26-27 May 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference poster

Novel Enzymes for the degradation of Lignin-Carbohydrate complexes

Hampus Sunner, Paul Christakopoulos, Lisbeth Olsson
Conference proceedings, WWSC Second International Conference, 23-25 November 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference poster

LCC-degrading enzymes

Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson
WWSC First International Conference, Dec 1-3, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference poster

Fungal Ferulic Acid Esterases – Specificity and Phylogeny

Hampus Sunner, Lisbeth Olsson, Gianni Panagiotou
Italic5 Science and Technology of Biomasses Proceedings Book, M Orlandi, C Crestine (Ed.). Italic5/COST conference, Sept 1-4 2009, Varenna, Italy
Conference poster

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