Hampus Sunner
Visar 26 publikationer
Novel glucuronoyl esterases for wood processing
New glucuronoyl esterases for wood processing
Synthesis of Model Compounds for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
Synthesis of Molecules for Enzymatic and Analytical Studies
The first Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignin-Carbohydrate Bonds
A natural substrate Glucuronic Acid Esterase assay
Towards An Assay For Glucuronoyl Esterase On Natural Lignin-Carbohydrate Ester Bonds
Synthesis of LCC Model Compounds for Enzyme Discovery
The fermentation of hemicelluloses derived from the TMP – Ecohelix process
A natural substrate Glucuronic Acid Esterase assay
Developing a Glucuronoyl Esterase assay
Novel Enzymes for the degradation of Lignin-Carbohydrate complexes
Enzymatic wood hydrolysis – stealing technology from molds
Novel Enzymes for the degradation of Lignin-Carbohydrate complexes
Fungal Ferulic Acid Esterases – Specificity and Phylogeny
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