Susanne Ollila
Susanne (Sanne) Ollila is Professor in Organizational Behavior and her research is focused on Collaborative Innovation, Innovation Management and Knowledge Management. She conducts her research mainly through qualitative methodologies such as Action Research, Ethnographic Research, and Case Studies.
Susanne has established a research group called "Managing-in-Between" (MIB). The purpose of this research group is to further the theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding about managing spaces in between actors. Interacting across boundaries has become prevalent among organizations seeking innovation. Consequently, there is an opportunity for individuals or collectives to design a space that enables collaboration. Such spaces can take different forms, and be more or less defined. These collaborative settings could be understood as a space "in-between" constituted of organization as well as disorganization. These spaces in-between usually have a management function organizing and leading activities of a large amount of actors within a domain of common concern, thus providing ample opportunities for interesting research as well as learning for all parties involved. To read more about the MIB research grop, the members and their research .
Susanne's interest and inquiry into organizing and managing collaboration and co-creation in the space in-between has resulted in several publications on open innovation, innovation management, organizing for innovation, knowledge management and entrepreneurial behavior. Her research has been published in journals such as R&D Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, European Journal of Innovation Management, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, and Journal of Knowledge Management.

Showing 83 publications
In-between identity work: Transcending boundaries in university-industry collaboration
Innovating energy services: focusing on customer touchpoints through service sensemaking
Service sensemaking: a learning process towards energy demand management
Conceptualizing customer involvement in energy services – A study of energy companies in Sweden
Designing spaces for collaborative innovation: The role of organizational politics
Action research for innovation management: three benefits, three challenges, and three spaces
Open laboratories as “in-between spaces”
Designing Knowledge Ecosystems Through Social, Mental, Material, and Moral Ecologies
Managing transition arenas in becoming: micro accounts of collaborative governance
An investigation into the roles of open innovation collaboration managers
Developing A Learning Method In An Open Innovation Project Through Action Research.
To be or not to be? Identity work in collaborative innovation
Designing and Being Designed: Organizing Complex Collaborative Innovation in a Societal challenge
Öppna innovationsarenor: organisering av gemensamt kunskapsskapande
What is "value" in open innovation?
“Caught in a strange loop”: A relational view on joint value capture in collaborative platforms
Anything goes? Conceptualizing different interaction strategies in open innovation
Beyond intermediation: The open innovation arena as an actor enabling joint knowledge creation
'Authoring' Open Innovation: The Managerial Practices of an Open Innovation Director
"Authoring” Open Innovation: The Managerial Practices of an Open Innovation Director
Uncovering challenges in multi-actor collaborative business models through action research
An investigation into managerial roles of open innovation collaboration managers
Developing design methodology to enable open innovation collaboration
Is organizing in-between a matter of design? A case of long-term open innovation collaboration
Constructing entrepreneurial identity in entrepreneurship education
Designing for creativity in an open innovation arena
Shaping and re-shaping managerial practices: the tales of an open innovation arena director
Anything goes? Characterizing open innovation collaboration in empirical research
Leveraging on open innovation: A study of why organizations engage in open innovation collaboration
Picturing the role of management in an open innovation collaboration
Stepping out of the zone of territorial protection enables open innovation collaboration
Authoring the space "in-between": The tales of an open innovation arena director
Entrepreneurial Identity Construction - what does existing literature tell us?
Role Confusion in Open Innovation Intermediary Arenas
Enabling knowledge creation among competitors: the open innovation arena
Managing Open Innovation: Exploring Challenges at the Interfaces of an Open Innovation Arena
Open Innovation - Anything Goes? A Review of Empirical Research on Open innovation
Open innovation practice: sense-making spaces and actor identities
Turning Open Innovation into Practice: Open Innovation Research through the Lens of Managers
Expert or speaking partner?: shifting roles and identities in consulting work
Communities of Practice for Open Innovation - Enabling Organizational Creativity?
Implications of openness: A study of (all) the growing literature on open innovation
Garbage‐Can decision making and the accommodation of uncertainty in new drug development work
Turning Open Innovation into Practice: Open Innovation Research through the Lens of Managers
Positioning within discourses – the construction of identities in knowledge sharing
Exploring the management of collaborative arenas from a platform perspective
Exploring the field of open innovation
The drama of co-construction - exploring 'what goes on' in a conversational arena.
Caught in the strange loop: peer-to-peer positioning in a consulting firm
Garbage-can decision making and the accommodation of uncertainty in the drug development work
The drama of co-construction -exploring what ’goes on’ in a conversational arena.
Open Innovation - Forschung in Europa
Heedful interrelating, knowledge sharing, and new drug development
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions
Managing Open Innovation: Present Findings and Future Directions,
Shadow dancing: utilizing the strength of paradoxes in entrepreneuring education
Project Management - a leadership challange
The tri-polar relationship as an engine for learning in management research
The practice of knowledge sharing in R&D: the challenge of articulating learning
The Big Brother Issue: Analyzing the media system around a reality TV-show
Management of Experience Design
Political leadership in successful product development projects
Creativity and innovativeness through reflective project leadership
Creativity and Innovativeness through reflective project leadership
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Showing 9 research projects
Climate-leading process industry - part 2
Action Lab – a team learning methodology integrating generations of learners
Climate Smart Process Industry
KATE: Customized service offerings in the energy sector through servitization and digitalization
Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities (IRIS)
KIVI - Kollaborativ Innovation: en Väg till ökad Innovationsförmåga
DEMO - Design meets open innovation
Managing and organising open innovation