Albert Tafur Rangel

Visiting Researcher at Systems and Synthetic Biology

Image of Albert Tafur Rangel

Showing 3 publications


Engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for enhanced metabolic robustness and L-lactic acid production from lignocellulosic biomass

BoHyun Choi, Albert Tafur Rangel, Eduard Kerkhoven et al
Metabolic Engineering. Vol. 84, p. 23-33
Journal article

Advances in genome-scale metabolic models of industrially important fungi

Yichao Han, Albert Enrique Tafur Rangel, Kyle R. Pomraning et al
Current Opinion in Biotechnology. Vol. 84
Review article

Resin acids play key roles in shaping microbial communities during degradation of spruce bark

Amanda Sörensen Ristinmaa, Albert Tafur Rangel, Eduard Kerkhoven et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 14
Journal article

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