Reconstruction, simulation and analysis of enzyme-constrained metabolic models using GECKO Toolbox 3.0
Journal article, 2024

Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) are computational representations that enable mathematical exploration of metabolic behaviors within cellular and environmental constraints. Despite their wide usage in biotechnology, biomedicine and fundamental studies, there are many phenotypes that GEMs are unable to correctly predict. GECKO is a method to improve the predictive power of a GEM by incorporating enzymatic constraints using kinetic and omics data. GECKO has enabled reconstruction of enzyme-constrained metabolic models (ecModels) for diverse organisms, which show better predictive performance than conventional GEMs. In this protocol, we describe how to use the latest version GECKO 3.0; the procedure has five stages: (1) expansion from a starting metabolic model to an ecModel structure, (2) integration of enzyme turnover numbers into the ecModel structure, (3) model tuning, (4) integration of proteomics data into the ecModel and (5) simulation and analysis of ecModels. GECKO 3.0 incorporates deep learning-predicted enzyme kinetics, paving the way for improved metabolic models for virtually any organism and cell line in the absence of experimental data. The time of running the whole protocol is organism dependent, e.g., ~5 h for yeast.


Yu Chen

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology

Johan Gustafsson

Chalmers, Biology and Biological Engineering

Albert Tafur Rangel

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Petre Mihail Anton

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Iván Domenzain Del Castillo Cerecer

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Cheewin Kittikunapong

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Feiran Li

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Tsinghua University

Le Yuan

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Jens B Nielsen

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

BioInnovation Institute

Eduard Kerkhoven

Chalmers, Life Sciences, Systems and Synthetic Biology

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Nature Protocols

1754-2189 (ISSN) 17502799 (eISSN)

Vol. 19 3 629-667

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Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)

Bioinformatics and Systems Biology





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