Thommy Eriksson
Thommy Eriksson has a PhD in Digital Representation, an area of research investigating digital media; how it is designed and what its effect on humans and society are. More specifically, his research focus on two major applications, ICT and learning and Mixed reality.
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Showing 53 publications
Failure and success in using mozilla hubs for online teaching in a movie production course
Visual conflicts - Challenges in combining rich volumetric 3D-data in a realistic VR city model
"Time is the bottleneck": a qualitative study exploring why learners drop out of MOOCs
Learners engagement with recorded lectures in MOOC’s – results from interviews with participants.
Towards an agenda for Sci-Fi inspired HCI research
Reasons for Engaging in MOOC Development: Management, Faculty and Support Perspectives
Joint reasoning about gas solubility in water in modified versions of a virtual laboratory
Att utveckla nätverk för IKT-pedagogik inom högre utbildning
Objectification and subjectification of students, teachers and knowledge in examination practices
Will Global Warming Stop if I Stop My Car?
The difficulties of visualizing that which we do not know and that which we cannot see
Who’s in charge? – controlling course production at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg
Unlock the rigidity and design for flexibility
Signs, texts and contexts, Authenticity and community
Imaging the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor
Imaging the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor
Being native – distance, closeness and doing auto/self-ethnography
Environmental Science Investigation using a virtual lab
Environmental Science Investigation using a virtual lab
Environmental Science Investigation – Challenges and opportunities
The next step in social networking software – the global coffee machine
Hands-On Possibilities and Experiences in Biology Education (bioHOPE)
Virtual Labs Implementation of Interactive Media for High School Science
Flexible assessment using chat sessions and group assignments in movie making classes
The Virtual Film Crew project – research on distributed collaboration in movie production
Integrating movie making and virtual reality – creating new opportunities
The Computer Mediated Movie Producer-Leadership in Online Collaborative Communities
Towards a better web forum interface – issues in a forum built for hosting online learning community
Using chat sessions with film makers as a pedagogical tool in film making classes
A Comparison of Online Communication in Distance Education and in Conventional Education
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Showing 1 research projects