Ulrik Larsen
Showing 32 publications
A review of the use of organic Rankine cycle power systems for maritime applications
Prediction of the annual performance of marine organic Rankine cycle power systems
Expansion of organic Rankine cycle working fluid in a cylinder of a low-speed two-stroke ship engine
Design of organic Rankine cycles using a non-conventional optimization approach
Design and optimization of a novel organic Rankine cycle with improved boiling process
Design and modelling of innovative machinery systems for large ships
A comparison of advanced heat recovery power cycles in a combined cycle for large ships
Thermodynamic evaluation of the Kalina split-cycle concepts for waste heat recovery applications
Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycles for Off-Shore Applications
Development of a multi-level approach to model and optimise the Kalina Split Cycle
Ethanol as a Future Fuel for Road Transportation: Main report
Emissions from Diesel and Gasoline Vehicles Fuelled by Fischer-Tropsch Fuels and Similar Fuels
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