Umur Erdinc

Doctoral Student at Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

Umur Erdinc is an industrial doctoral student employed by Volvo Technology AB. Umur has focus on safe and energy efficient vehicle motion control of multi-trailer vehicle combinations.

Image of Umur Erdinc

Showing 5 publications


Safe operating envelope based on a single-track model for yaw instability avoidance of articulated heavy vehicles

Umur Erdinc, Mats Jonasson, Maliheh Sadeghi Kati et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 62 (8), p. 2138-2161
Journal article

Validation of high-fidelity simulation-based safe operating envelopes for articulated heavy vehicles using real test data

Umur Erdinc, Mats Jonasson, Maliheh Sadeghi Kati et al
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Modelling of Articulated Heavy Vehicles for Computation of Accurate Safe Operating Envelope for Yaw Stability

Umur Erdinc, Mats Jonasson, Maliheh Sadeghi Kati et al
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology (HVTT17)
Paper in proceeding

Safe operating envelope for limiting actuation of electric trailer in tractor-semitrailer combination

Axel Hansson, Erik Andersson, Leo Laine et al
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC. Vol. 2022-October, p. 3886-3893
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Distributed Motion Control for Multi-Trailer Vehicles

Mats Jonasson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Leo Laine Mechanics and Maritime Sciences (M2)
Jonas Fredriksson Mechatronics
Umur Erdinc Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
FFI - Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation

5 publications exist
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