Filip Nilenius

Showing 24 publications


A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 63 (2), p. 139-158
Journal article

Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong

Adam Sciegaj, Karin Lundgren, Fredrik Larsson et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 110 (7), p. 46-48
Magazine article

Two-scale finite element modelling of reinforced concrete structures: Effective response and subscale fracture development

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Vol. 114 (10), p. 1074-1102
Journal article

Punching/Shear Strength of a Full-scale Tested Bridge Deck Slab

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
IABSE Conference, Vancouver 2017: Engineering the Future - Report. Vol. 109, p. 1750-1757
Paper in proceeding

Simulation of thermal load distribution in portal frame bridges

E. Gottsäter, Oskar Larsson Ivanov, M. Molnár et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 143, p. 219-231
Journal article

Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum non-linear FE analysis

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
Engineering Structures. Vol. 125, p. 15-25
Journal article

Shear force distribution in rc slabs subjected to punching: Solid nonlinear fe anlayses

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
fib Symposium, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

Shear Force Distribution in RC Slabs Subjected To Punching: Solid Nonlinear FE Analyses

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
fib Symposium 2016, Cape Town (p. 55-58). Cape Town, South Africa.
Paper in proceeding

Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum nonlinear FE analysis

Jiangpeng Shu, Mario Plos, Kamyab Zandi et al
IABSE Congress Stockholm, 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, p. 1629-1636
Paper in proceeding

Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete

Adam Sciegaj, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Other conference contribution

Recommendations for finite element analysis for design of reinforced concrete bridges

Mario Plos, C. Pacoste, Filip Nilenius
19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 September 2016, p. 2038-2041
Paper in proceeding

FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE. Vol. 141 (2), p. Art. no. 04014110-
Journal article

Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 55 (2), p. 359-370
Journal article

Moisture and Chloride Transport in Concrete

Filip Nilenius
Doctoral thesis

Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Computational Mechanics. Vol. 54 (2), p. 461-472
Journal article

A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
RILEM Bookseries. Vol. 8, p. 249-259
Paper in proceeding

Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 105 (7), p. 56-59
Magazine article

Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. Vol. 37 (11), p. 1535-1551
Journal article

Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Microstructural-related Durability of Cementitious Composites: Second international conference (2), p. 214-
Paper in proceeding

Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-24, the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. Vol. 24, p. 107-110
Other conference contribution

A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Nordic Concrete Research. Vol. XXI
Other conference contribution

Modeling of mass transfer in the micro-structure of concrete: Towards computational homogenization within a FE2-strategy

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Proceedings of NSCM-23: the 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (Number: 23), p. 322-325
Other conference contribution

Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur

Filip Nilenius, Fredrik Larsson, Karin Lundgren et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 102 (7), p. 50-54
Magazine article

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Showing 2 research projects


Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures

Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Filip Nilenius Structural Engineering
Fredrik Larsson Material and Computational Mechanics
Kenneth Runesson Material and Computational Mechanics
Adam Sciegaj Structural Engineering
Swedish Research Council (VR)

11 publications exist

Load Carrying Capacity of Existing Bridge Deck Slabs

Mario Plos Structural Engineering
Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kent Gylltoft Structural Engineering
Morgan Johansson Structural Engineering
Filip Nilenius Structural Engineering
Kamyab Zandi Structural Engineering
Jiangpeng Shu Structural Engineering
Swedish Transport Administration

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