Filip Nilenius
Showing 24 publications
A multiscale model for reinforced concrete with macroscopic variation of reinforcement slip
Ny metod för sprickmodellering i armerad betong
Punching/Shear Strength of a Full-scale Tested Bridge Deck Slab
Simulation of thermal load distribution in portal frame bridges
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum non-linear FE analysis
Shear force distribution in rc slabs subjected to punching: Solid nonlinear fe anlayses
Shear Force Distribution in RC Slabs Subjected To Punching: Solid Nonlinear FE Analyses
Prediction of punching behaviour of RC slabs using continuum nonlinear FE analysis
Two-scale modelling of reinforced concrete
Recommendations for finite element analysis for design of reinforced concrete bridges
FE2 Method for Coupled Transient Diffusion Phenomena in Concrete
Mesoscale modelling of crack-induced diffusivity in concrete
Computational homogenization of diffusion in three-phase mesoscale concrete
A 3D/2D comparison between heterogeneous mesoscale models of concrete
Tredimensionell modellering av betongens heterogena sammansättning
Macroscopic diffusivity in concrete determined by computationalhomogenization
Determining effective diffusion properties of concrete through mesoscale analysis
Chloride transport in concrete modeled by the FE^2-method
A multi-scale method for modeling of moisture and chloride ion transport in concrete
On Mesoscale Modelling of Coupled Chloride-Moisture Transport in Concrete
Modellering och simulering av fukt- och kloridjonstransport i betongens mikrostruktur
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Showing 2 research projects
Multiscale modelling of reinforced concrete structures
Load Carrying Capacity of Existing Bridge Deck Slabs