Deliang Chen

Showing 31 publications


Global patterns and drivers of post-fire vegetation productivity recovery

Hongtao Xu, Hans Chen, Deliang Chen et al
Nature Geoscience. Vol. 17 (9), p. 874-881
Journal article

Precipitation variability related to atmospheric circulation patterns over the Tibetan Plateau

Hui-Wen Lai, Deliang Chen, Hans Chen
International Journal of Climatology. Vol. 44 (1), p. 1-17
Journal article

The disproportionate impact of enhanced evaporation from melting arctic sea ice on cold-season land precipitation trends

Yubo Liu, Qiuhong Tang, Chi Zhang et al
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Increasing Sensitivity of Tree Radial Growth to Precipitation

Tiewei Li, Bin He, Deliang Chen et al
Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 51 (16)
Journal article

Reversed asymmetric warming of sub-diurnal temperature over land during recent decades

Ziqian Zhong, Bin He, Hans Chen et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Towards climate resilient urban energy systems: A review

Vahid Nik, Amarasinghage Tharindu Dasun Perera, Deliang Chen
National Science Review. Vol. 8 (3)
Review article

Effects of climate change on heating and cooling degree days and potential energy demand in the household sector of China

Y. Shi, X. Gao, Y. Xu et al
Climate Research. Vol. 67 (2), p. 135-149
Journal article

Hydrological response to future climate changes for the major upstream river basins in the Tibetan Plateau

F. Su, L. Zhang, Tinghai Ou et al
Global and Planetary Change. Vol. 136, p. 82-95
Journal article

Comparing global precipitation datasets in eastern Africa: a case study of Kilombero valley, Tanzania

A. J. Koutsouris, Deliang Chen, S. W. Lyon
International Journal of Climatology. Vol. 36 (4), p. 2000-2014
Journal article

Large-scale circulation classification and its links to observed precipitation in the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau

W. Liu, L. Wang, Deliang Chen et al
Climate Dynamics. Vol. 46 (11), p. 3481-3497
Journal article

Editors' words for the Special issue on the environmental changes over the Tibetan Plateau

T. Yao, Deliang Chen, B. Xu
Chinese Science Bulletin. Vol. 60 (32), p. 3023-3024
Journal article

The time aspect of bioenergy - Climate impacts of solid biofuels due to biogenic carbon dynamics

Lars Zetterberg, Deliang Chen
GCB Bioenergy. Vol. 7 (4), p. 785-796
Journal article

Assessment of past, present and future environmental changes on the Tibetan Plateau

Deliang Chen, B. Xu, T. Yao et al
Chinese Science Bulletin
Journal article

On using principal components to represent stations in empirical-statistical downscaling

R.E Benestad, Deliang Chen, A. Mezghan et al
Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. Vol. 67 (28326)
Journal article

Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan plateau induced by vegetation growth

M. Shen, S. Piao, S.-J. Jeong et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 112 (30), p. 9299-9304
Journal article

How similar are annual and summer temperature variability in central Sweden?

Peng Zhang, Deliang Chen, Hans Linderholm et al
Advances in Climate Change Research. Vol. 6, p. 159-170
Journal article


U. Cubasch, D. Wuebbles, Deliang Chen et al
Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis, p. 119-158
Book chapter

Using the Köppen classification to quantify climate variation and change: An example for 1901–2010

Hans Chen, Deliang Chen
Environmental Development. Vol. 6, p. 69-79
Journal article

Spatial and temporal characteristics of actual evapotranspiration over Haihe River basin in China

Ge Gao, Xu C.-Y., Deliang Chen et al
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. Vol. 26 (5), p. 655-669
Journal article

Long-term precipitation change by hourly data in Haihe River Basin during 1961-2004

S. Yin, Ge Gao, W. Li et al
Science China Earth Sciences. Vol. 54 (10), p. 1576-1585
Journal article

The Dual-Beam mini-DOAS technique - measurements of volcanic gas emission, plume height and plume speed with a single instrument

Mattias Erik Johansson, Bo Galle, Yan Zhang et al
Bulletin of Volcanology. Vol. 71, p. 747-751
Journal article

Quantification of total emission of air pollutants from Beijing using mobile mini-DOAS

Mattias Erik Johansson, Bo Galle, T. Yu et al
Atmospheric Environment. Vol. 42 (29), p. 6926-6933
Journal article

Modelling Precipitation in Sweden using multiple step markov chains and a composite model

Jan Lennartsson, Anastassia Baxevani, Deliang Chen
Journal of Hydrology. Vol. 363 (1-4), p. 42-59
Journal article

Chapter 6: Evaporation and Evapotranspiration

C.-Y. Xu, V. P. Singh, Y. D. Chen et al
Hydrology and Hydraulics. Vol. DOI: 10.1002/joc.1758, p. 229-276
Book chapter

Modelling Precipitation in Sweden Using Multiple Step Markov Chains and a Composite Model

Jan Lennartsson, Anastassia Baxevani, Deliang Chen

Land-use and Climate Change in China with a focus on Shaanxi province in the Chinese Loess Plateau - Lesson for Future Climate Politics

Madelene Ostwald, Deliang Chen
"Global Warming and Climate Change, Ten Years after Kyoto and Still Counting ", Ed. Velma Grover, p. 999-1012
Book chapter

Relation between vegetation changes, climate variables and impact of land-use policy in Shaanxi Province, China

Madelene Ostwald, Elisabeth Simelton, Deliang Chen et al
Geografiska Annaler A. Vol. 89 (4), p. 223-236
Journal article

Land-use change: impacts of climate variations and policy among small-scale Farmers

Madelene Ostwald, Deliang Chen
Land Use Policy. Vol. 23, p. 361-371
Journal article

Development of optical remote sensing instruments for volcanological applications: -results from the EU-project DORSIVA

Bo Galle, L. Alonso, Deliang Chen et al
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 7 (07819)
Journal article

Climate variability and land-use change in Danangou watershed, China

Johanna Hageback, Jenny Klingberg, Madelene Ostwald et al
Climatic Change. Vol. 72 (1-2), p. 189-212
Journal article

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