Anders Eriksson

Showing 15 publications


Increased migration in host–pathogen metapopulations can cause host extinction

Karin C. Harding, M. Begon, Anders Eriksson et al
Journal of Theoretical Biology. Vol. 298, p. 1-7
Journal article

Carbon-based nanoelectromechanical devices

Stefan Bengtsson, Peter Enoksson, Farzan Alavian Ghavanini et al
International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems. Vol. 20 (1), p. 195-204
Journal article

Detecting density dependence in recovering seal populations

Carl Johan Svensson, Anders Eriksson, Tero Harkonen et al
Ambio. Vol. 40 (1), p. 52-59
Journal article

The total branch length of sample genealogies in populations of variable size

Anders Eriksson, Bernhard Mehlig, Marina Rafajlovic et al
Genetics. Vol. 186 (2), p. 601-611
Journal article

On the microscopic foundation of dissipative particle dynamics

Anders Eriksson, Martin Nilsson Jacobi, Johan Nyström et al
Europhysics Letters. Vol. 86 (4)
Journal article

Bottom-up derivation of an effective thermostat for united atoms simulations of water

Anders Eriksson, Martin Nilsson Jacobi, Johan Nyström et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 130 (16)
Journal article

An accurate model for genetic hitchhiking

Anders Eriksson, Pontus Fernström, Bernhard Mehlig et al
Genetics. Vol. 178 (1), p. 439-451
Journal article

Effective thermostat induced by coarse graining of simple point charge water

Anders Eriksson, Martin Nilsson Jacobi, Johan Nyström et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 129 (2)
Journal article

Direct Transmission Detection of Tunable Mechanical Resonance in an Individual Carbon Nanofiber Relay

Anders Eriksson, SangWook Lee, Abdelrahim Sourab et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 8 (4), p. 1224-1228
Journal article

Using force covariance to derive effective stochastic interactions in dissipative particle dynamics.

Anders Eriksson, Martin Nilsson Jacobi, Johan Nyström et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 77 (1)
Journal article

Syntheses, crystal structures, optical limiting properties, and DFT calculations of three thiophene-2-aldazine Schiff base derivatives

Mohamed I D M Ghazzali, Vratislav Langer, Cesar Lopes et al
New Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 31 (10), p. 1777-1784
Journal article

A simple model for cognitive processing in repeated games

Anders Eriksson, Kristian Lindgren
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2006
Paper in proceeding

The effect of finite population size on the evolutionary dynamics in multi-person Prisoner’s Dilemma

Anders Eriksson, Kristian Lindgren
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2006
Paper in proceeding

Flows of information in spatially extended chemical dynamics

Kristian Lindgren, Anders Eriksson, Karl-Erik Eriksson
Artificial Life IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
Paper in proceeding

Corporate ergonomics programme at Volvo Car Corporation

Ulla Munck-Ulfsfält, Ann-Christine Falck, Anette Forsberg et al
Applied Ergonomics. Vol. 34, p. 17-22
Journal article

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