Anders Eriksson
Visar 15 publikationer
Increased migration in host–pathogen metapopulations can cause host extinction
Carbon-based nanoelectromechanical devices
Detecting density dependence in recovering seal populations
The total branch length of sample genealogies in populations of variable size
On the microscopic foundation of dissipative particle dynamics
Bottom-up derivation of an effective thermostat for united atoms simulations of water
An accurate model for genetic hitchhiking
Effective thermostat induced by coarse graining of simple point charge water
Using force covariance to derive effective stochastic interactions in dissipative particle dynamics.
A simple model for cognitive processing in repeated games
The effect of finite population size on the evolutionary dynamics in multi-person Prisoner’s Dilemma
Flows of information in spatially extended chemical dynamics
Corporate ergonomics programme at Volvo Car Corporation
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