Joakim Forsemalm

Showing 15 publications


Flytt i samband med renovering: Preliminära resultat från en pilotstudie

Paula Femenias, Lina Jonsdotter, Alexander Knutsson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Göteborg - mellan segregation och kreativitet

Jan Jörnmark, Joakim Forsemalm, Karl Palmås

Understanding innovative regional collaboration: metagovernance and boundary objects as mechanisms

Stig Montin, Magnus Johansson, Joakim Forsemalm
Christopher Ansell & Jacob Torfing (eds) Public Innovation Through Collaboration and Design, p. 106-124
Book chapter

Station Community Transitions – A Matter of Push or Pull?

Joakim Forsemalm, Ilona Hadasch, Karl Palmås

Det urbana stationssamhället Forsknings- och praktikeröversikt

Joakim Forsemalm, Karl Palmås, Alice Dahlstrand

Urban Cultures: Fallet Kommersen

Daniel Gillberg, Helene Brembeck, Ylva Berglund et al

Urban Qualities: ett kunskapsområde

Joakim Forsemalm, Axel Demker
Report - Mistra Urban Futures

From Creep to Co-op: Research(er) Paying the Cost of Displacement

Joakim Forsemalm
Culture Unbound. Vol. 5, p. 385-397
Journal article

On Dialogues and Municipal Learning in City Building: Examples from Waterfront Development in Gothenburg

Joakim Forsemalm, Knut Strömberg
Waterfront Regeneration Experiences City-building / Edited by Harry Smith & Maria Soledad Garcia Ferrari
Book chapter

Rendering urban value(s) visible / What does it mean to say that urban theory is performative?

Joakim Forsemalm, Jan Jörnmark, Karl Palmås
Provocation paper for the “Cities as value networks” panel at the 56th IFHP World Congress,Gothenburg, 19 September 2012
Other conference contribution

Transdisciplinarity: making way for a critical proximity?

Joakim Forsemalm
32nd Nordic Conference of Ethnology and Folkloristics. June 18 - 21 2012, Bergen, Norway.
Other conference contribution

Governance - att styra med insikt snarare än avsikt

Joakim Forsemalm, Stig Montin, Magnus Johansson et al

Hur lär en kommun av andra?

Joakim Forsemalm, Knut Strömberg
PLAN. Vol. 2007 (2)
Magazine article

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