Xiaoyan Zhang
Xiaoyan Zhang is the team leader of the 'Chemistry of 2D Materials' group. His research is centred on combination of functional molecules with 2D materials through covalent and noncovalent approaches. The as-prepared molecules/2D materials hybrid systems are further explored in ad-hoc applications such as energy storage devices. Through his research, understanding of the structure-property-function relationship will be studied in detail, especially on how molecules affect the properties of 2D materials.

Showing 17 publications
Supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries, a tale of two technologies: Past, present and beyond
Aqueous Organic Batteries Using the Proton as a Charge Carrier
The Art of Constructing Black Phosphorus Nanosheet Based Heterostructures: From 2D to 3D
Recent Advances in Chemical Functionalization of 2D Black Phosphorous Nanosheets
Chemical Functionalization of 2D Materials
Optically switchable organic light-emitting transistors
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Showing 6 research projects
Functionalized 2D materials for application in cementitious supercapacitor devices
Graphene enhanced conductive cementitious coating (GREC)
Harnessing Covalent Chemistry on Two-dimensional Black Phosphorus Nanosheets