Targets and policy instruments for CO2 and shortlived climate pollutants
Research Project, 2013 – 2015

The aim of this research program is to develop and improve knowledge about a series of policy related and scientific questions related to climate change. Our work is divided into two main fields: 1. Targets, emission pathways and costs a. Emission targets for future commitment periods given existing uncertainties about the climate sensitivity b. Costs to meet the two degree target for different assumptions about the energy system and future land use and diets c. Analysis of uncertainty when it comes to the climate sensitivity 2. Non CO2 Greenhouse forcers – metrics and international agreements a. The impact of short lived climate forcers on sea level rise b. The role of short lived forcers on efforts to meet long term climate targets


Christian Azar (contact)

Chalmers, Space, Earth and Environment, Physical Resource Theory


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: P35443-2
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2015


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