Mistra REES – Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions
Research Project, 2016 – 2019

REES – Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions based on circular economy thinking is a 4-year program run by a consortium of leading Swedish universities, large and small companies and societal actors. The program’s vision is to advance the transition of the Swedish manufacturing industry towards a circular and sustainable economy.

In our resource-constrained world the urgency of accelerating transition from linear to circular economy is more pressing than ever. Products and services need to be designed for resource efficiency taking a lifecycle perspective. New methods to reuse, repair, remanufacturing and recycling of products and their components need to be found, and in order to re-enter their next use phase. However, there are significant gaps in knowledge and practice with regard to developing resource efficient, effective and circular solutions. To address these gaps, the REES program sets the following objectives:

O1. Create and consolidate contextual knowledge on REES in collaboration with academic, industrial and societal partners. The program aims to seek knowledge about which manufacturing industry sectors and value chains possess high potential for REES, and knowledge about the drivers and obstacles needed for a transition towards REES.

O2. Develop principles, methods and guidelines for the design of REES (products and services); business models for REES; and policies and policy packages enabling and driving towards REES.

O3. Understand the interrelations between product and service design, business models, and policies and policy packages and explore opportunities for effective interplay between them.

O4. Facilitate mutual learning between academic, industrial and societal actors about the transition of Sweden’s manufacturing industry towards more REES.

The REES program comprises seven interrelated projects.

Project 1 aims to 1/ investigate what physical means for resource efficiency are effective for what type of products and solutions, in what respects, and to 2/ map the drivers and barriers for their realization.

The first aim is addressed through a bottom-up approach in which generic knowledge is generated from a large number of case studies. A library of assessment studies (e.g. life cycle assessments, life cycle cost assessments, material flow analysis) of different means to achieve resource efficiency is being created, from literature, through assessment studies conducted within the project and through collecting assessment studies from the participating companies. Analysis is expected to reveal the critical factors for development, implementation and scaling of REES.
The results of the project, which will run during the first two years of the MistraREES program, will provide a necessary background to other projects within MistraREES. 

The result of the REES program is advanced global sustainability leadership, improved competitiveness and reduced business risks in the Swedish manufacturing industry. The program will also further the research frontier on a circular economy by developing principles, methods and guidelines for product and service design, business models, and policy packages. The REES program will also shape a new generation of Swedish interdisciplinary scientists and professionals, as nine Ph.D. and many master students will take part in the program. Finally, the program will reach out to a broad range of audiences and facilitate dialogue and mutual learning through e.g. workshops, newsletters, a textbook, policy briefs, and popular science articles.

Together the REES partners will contribute towards the European target of a 30% reduction in domestic material use by 2020.



Anne-Marie Tillman (contact)

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Hampus André

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Daniel Böckin

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Maria Ljunggren Söderman

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis

Siri Willskytt

Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Environmental Systems Analysis


Attends Healthcare Group

Aneby, Sweden

City of Lund

Lund, Sweden

Din Fabrik

Malmö, Sweden


Stockholm, Sweden

Godsinlösen Nordic AB

Staffanstorp, Sweden

HTC Professional Floor Systems

Söderköping, Sweden


Täby, Sweden

Linköping University

Linköping, Sweden

Lund University

Lund, Sweden


Karlstad, Sweden

Polyplank AB

Färjestaden, Sweden

Qlean Scandinavia AB

Linköping, Sweden


Malmö, Sweden

Stena AB

Göteborg, Sweden

Ståthöga MA Teknik AB

Norrköping, Sweden

Volvo Cars

Göteborg, Sweden

Volvo Group

Gothenburg, Sweden

the City of Malmö

Malmö, Sweden


The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

Funding Chalmers participation during 2016–2019

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


Areas of Advance


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