Anne-Marie Tillman
Anne-Marie Tillman was since year 2000 professor at the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis at Chalmers, professor emerita since 2021. Her research has included methodology development and application of life cycle assessment (LCA) and related environmental systems analysis tools. Her industry collaboration on sustainability has been extensive, channeled among other routes via the Swedish Life Cycle Center
Anne-Marie Tillman has developed and given courses and teaching materials on LCA and Environmental Systems Analysis, on master's and Ph.D. levels. Together with professor Henrikke Baumann she authored the highly appreciated textbook The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to LCA.
Through her research, teaching and collaborative efforts Anne-Marie Tillman has contributed to the development of systems based environmental research. In parallel, the Division of Environmental Systems Analysis was built up, the head of which she was between 2005-2013.
Anne-Marie Tillman is a member of the Royal Academy for Engineering Sciences (IVA).

Showing 130 publications
Towards sustainable business models with a novel life cycle assessment method
Exploring automotive supplier data in life cycle assessment – Precision versus workload
Switching the focus from product function to business profit: Introducing business model LCA
Failure analysis method for enhancing circularity through systems perspective
What circular economy measures fit what kind of product?
A crustal scarcity indicator for long-term global elemental resource assessment in LCA
Scrap happens: A case of industrial end-users, maintenance and component remanufacturing outcome
A Swedish comment on ‘review: the availability of life-cycle studies in Sweden’
Life cycle assessment of permanent magnet electric traction motors
Resource efficiency of consumables – Life cycle assessment of incontinence products
Environmental assessment of additive manufacturing in the automotive industry
Life cycle inventory of power producing technologies and power grids at regional grid level in India
Environmental Assessment of Emerging Technologies: Recommendations for Prospective LCA
Toward a sustainable biorefinery using high-gravity technology
Circular Economy as a Means to Efficient Use of Scarce Metals
Återvinning av metaller ur uttjänta Li-ion batterier - Slutrapport
Prospective life cycle assessment of adipic acid production from forest residue
What makes solutions within the manufacturing industry resource efficient?
The World Guide to Sustainable Enterprise: Sweden (Volume 3:EUROPE)
Life cycle impacts of ethanol production from spruce wood chips under high gravity conditions
Framework for analysing resource-efficient solutions
Guiding technology development using LCA: The case of bio-based adipic acid production
Mindre miljöpåverkan eller bara annorlunda?
Life cycle assessment of wood-based ethanol production at high gravity conditions
Simulation and LCA of a bioethanol process technology in development
Lessons Learned from Conducting a Company-level, Downstream MFA
Less or different environmental impact?
Life cycle assessment during early development stage of a new bio-ethanol production process
Material Flow Analysis as a Tool for Product End-of-use Management
Use of LCA during process development: The case of a new bioethanol production process
Ethylene production via gasification of wood - what are potential environmental hotspots
Phosphorus Flows to and from Swedish Agriculture and Food
Environmentally strategic product and production development
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Study of Polyethylene Based on Sugarcane and Crude Oil
Life cycle assessment of phosphorus alternatives for Swedish agriculture
The Usefulness of an Actor’s Perspective in LCA
Influence of system choices in LCA - the case of sugarcane based polyethylene
Methodology for life cycle assessment
Comparative LCA study of conventional plastics from sugarcane and crude oil
Comparative life cycle assessment of polyethylene based on sugarcane and crude oil
Kapitel i Hearing om klimatpolitikens vetenskapliga grunder
Discrete Event Simulation with Lifecycle Assessment Data at a Juice Manufacturing System
Sustainable development indicators: how are they used in Swedish water utilities?
A dynamic simulation tool for a productive and environmental efficient food production
A tool for productive and environmentally efficient food production management
Metod för utvärdering av miljöåtgärder realiserbara genom styrmedel
Simulating operational alternatives for future cement production
LCA of Emerging Technologies: A Methodological Framework
Normative ethics and methodology for life cycle assessment
Evaluating synthesis gas based biomass to plastics (BTP) technologies
Handling environmental values in product assessments: voices from practice
Application of LCA Ð research needs and opportunities
The Hitch Hiker's Guide to LCA. An orientation in life cycle assessment methodology and application
After 10 years and 300 students. Our LCA teaching experience.
Marginal or average data - Ethical implications
Significance of decision-making for LCA methodology
Det specifika med miljösystemanalysen
Betong och miljö : fakta från Betongforum
LCI Data Modelling and a Database Design
Life Cycle Assessment of Municipal Waste Water Systems
LCA of Concrete and Steel Building Frames
Life cycle assessment of flooring materials: Case study
Open-Loop Recycling: Criteria for Allocation Procedures
Environmental assessment of Photovoltaic Technologies
Alternativa avloppsystem i Bergsjön och Hamburgsund. Delrapport från Ecoguide-projektet
General Description of Life Cycle Assessment Methodology
Livscykelanalys av golvmaterial. En jämförelse av linoleum, PVC-matta och massivt furugolv
Choice of system boundaries in life cycle assessment
Godstransporter i livscykelanalys : schablonvärden för energianvändning och emissioner
Discussion of methods for the ecotoxicological classification in life-cycle analysis (LCA)
Acetyl balance for the acetylation of wood particles by a simplified procedure
Acetylation of jute: Effects on strength, rot resistance, and hydrophobicity
Chemical modification of wood products with gaseous alkylene oxides
Fungal resistance of pine particle boards made from various types of acetylated chips
Chemical modification of lignocellulosic materials. A comparison of processes
Dimensional stability of flakeboards made from acetylated softwood and hardwood flakes
A simplified procedure for the acetylation of hardwood and softwood flakes for flakeboard production
Dimensional stabilization of flakeboard by chemical modification
Vapor Phase Acetylation of Southern Pine, Douglas-Fir, and Aspen Wood Flakes
Dimensional stability of particleboard made from vapor phase acetylated pine wood chips
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Showing 18 research projects
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes, part 2
Mistra REES (Resource-effective and efficient solutions) phase 2
LCA modelling of electric drivetrain components
Scalable LCA models of electric drivetrain components
Biomass production and conversion in sustainably managed landscapes
LCA as a tool for the development of energy-efficient future cars
Electric traction motors in a circular economy
Mistra REES – Resource-Efficient and Effective Solutions
Livscykelanalys av kollektivtrafik med elektriskt framdrivna bussar
Bio-LCA: Biodiversity indicators in life cycle assessments in forestry and agriculture
Recycling of metals from spent Li-ion batteries
BatMan - förberedelse för förbättrad återanvändning av batterisystem
Realize: Realizing resource-efficient recycling of Vehicles
Life cycle management – End-of-Life
Organisational Capabilities for Life Cycle Management