Idea-based public partnership (IPP) - success factors and obstacles
Research Project, 2018
The current dynamics of the idea-basedpublic partnership (IPP) on unaccompanied minors and its political and institutional context offers an excellent opportunity for studying if and how the relations of trust developed between the parties may continue as the partnership adapts to a new political reality during its phasing out in the spring of 2018. A further study on the IPP during its concluding phase will increase understanding of the sustainability of the partnership model and its value for participants. This is particularly relevant in a context in which partnership as a model for social investments is primarily founded on local driving forces and political will, rather than on favourable legal conditions. To fulfil our ongoing evaluation task, we need to collect empirical material in the form of primary and secondary data that highlight the phasing out processes of different joint partnership services and structures, and perhaps the partnership’s transition to new collaborative processes. Material will take the form of interviews conducted with partner organisations and their representatives in collaborative partner structures as well as with the political leadership of the municipality. If possible, the researchers involved in this ongoing evaluation will use the remaining observation opportunities of collaborative partner structures. The task will result in a shorter report that supplements “Utmaningar och Framgångsfaktorer för att Initiera, Genomföra och Anpassa ett Idéburet Offentligt Partnerskap: Ett kunskapsunderlag från följeforskning av IOP Ensamkommande i Göteborg 2016-2017”
Henrik Eriksson (contact)
Chalmers, Technology Management and Economics, Service Management and Logistics
Bräcke diakoni
Solna, Sweden
Karlstad University
Karlstad, Sweden
Project ID: 2017-05636
Funding Chalmers participation during 2018