Henrik Eriksson
​Henrik Eriksson is working as a Professor at the division of Service Management and Logistics and Centre for Healthcare Improvement (CHI). Examples of research questions that Henrik works on is: 1) How does one achieve high quality and good results, 2) What characterize excellent organisations? 3) What are excellent organisations do different form average organisations?
He has a number of research interests, like quality, quality management and quality improvement, improvement in public and private organisations, and excellent organisations
Henrik Eriksson's work deals with both producing knowledge (research) but also to contribute to improvements. The work is performed with others; companies, nonprofit organisations, public organizations, SMEs, national agencies, other research partners.

Showing 60 publications
Theory and practice of customer-related improvements: a systematic literature review
Sluta med era blame games och meningslösa utredande
Högre kvalitet uppnås inte genom fler inspektioner
Så arbetar Sveriges bästa företag och vad kan läkemedelsindustrin lära?
The management index: simplifying business excellence for management teams?
Process Mining for Quality Improvement: Propositions for Practice and Research
Upphandling och kvalitet – går bra kvalitet att upphandla?
I bra vård går patienten före managementidéerna
Assessing eHealth initiatives: Do theoretical frameworks matter in practice?
Evidence based evaluation of eHealth interventions: A systematic literature review
Challenges and propositions for research in quality management
Utredningen ignorerar forskning om kvalitet
Exploring differences between private and public organizations in business excellence models
Så kan vi få högre kvalitet i välfärden
Quality improvement and care procurement: Friends of foes?
Quality and legal aspects in public care procurement
Exploring Quality Challenges and the Validity of Excellence Models
Excellence Models in the Public Sector - Relationships between Enablers and Results
What can we learn from Swedish Quality Award? An empirical investigation of the causal relationships
Clinical decision support system (CDSS) – effects on care quality
Insights into Physician Scheduling: a case study of public hospital departments in Sweden
The Relationships between Enablers and Results in Excellence Models: Learnings From Italy And Sweden
Among Fumblers, Talkers, Mappers and Organizers - Four applications of process orientation
Training of healthcare professionals in quality improvement
An Improvement Engine for empowered change in healthcare
A case study on quality management and digital innovation: Relationship and learning aspects
Designing interventions in SMEs: Experiences from a pan-European multiple case study
Alive and kicking–but will Quality Management be around tomorrow? A Swedish academia perspective
The development and evaluation of an Innovation Engine for empowerment and change in healthcare
Reducing queues: demand and capacity variations
Are you viewing, mapping or managing your processes?
One idea, four applications: process orientation in Swedish health care
Integrated Management Systems. Theoretical and practical implications.
Similarities and differences between TQM, Six Sigma and Lean Production
Organisational performance improvement through quality award process participation
Organisational value of participating in a quality award process: a Swedish study
Är det lönsamt att söka kvalitetsutmärkelser?
What is the value of participating in a quality award process?
Experiences of working with in-company quality awards: a case study
The impact of TQM on financial performance
Effects of in-company quality awards on organizational performance
Kvalitetsutveckling är lönsamt
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Showing 7 research projects
Improvement of sick leave processes
Idea-based public partnership (IPP) - success factors and obstacles
Quality and procurement of elderly care
Management Index. Measuring quality maturity
Idéburet offentligt partnerskap (IOP)
Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion (DECI)
Operationalization, evaluation and control of quality when procuring care