Development of efficient DIgital product FAMily design platform to increase cost efficiency - DIFAM
Research Project, 2019
– 2022
Purpose and goal: The purpose of the project is to support the national aerospace industry to meet challenging and neccessery sustanability targets and at the same time ensure quailty and reduce risk in the development of novel products. The goal of this project is to enable the design and evaluation of alternative concepts in a product family. Data and experience from existing products and production processes will be used in combination with modelling and simulation-generated data to improve assessment of alternative concepts. Expected results and effects: The project is to a deliver novel method (TRL 2-3) that allow exploration (Set Based Design) of a range of alternative concepts that use data and knowledge from existing products and their manufacturing constraints. The results will enable improved cost impact and cost effectiveness assessment of design alternatives and enable trade off decisions in phases where design parameters can be altered. The anticipated effect is improved quality of development decisions, reduce the uncertainty of introducing new technologies and increase the ability to realise a balanced product. Approach and implementation: The focus on DIFAM is to further develop the concept of a digital product family design platform and efficiently ensure that the large amount of data within the production can be feed back to the earlier phases within product development. Firstly, a digital platform Twin (DPT) is created based on measured and simulated data from current product variants. Cost drivers are captured in collaboration with the company partner. Secondly, alternatives for product concepts are modelled. After concepts are modelled, analysis and simulation mechanisms are called to allow the cost assessment
Ola Isaksson (contact)
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Michael Kokkolaras
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Julian Martinsson
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Massimo Panarotto
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
GKN Aerospace Sweden
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2022
Project ID: 2023-01196
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2024
Project ID: 2019-02756
Funding Chalmers participation during 2019–2022
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
Driving Forces
Areas of Advance
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Driving Forces