Energy storage for grid support and priming of renewable energy applications based on sodium-ion batteries
Research Project, 2023 – 2027

This project aims to study grid support and priming of renewable energy power production units through the usage of a novel environmental-friendly sodium-based battery storage, a Na-ion battery (SIB) with Prussian white and hard carbon as electrodes and a newly developed electrolyte. The consequences of the various grid supporting efforts are evaluated in terms of losses and lifetime. The project is divided into three substudies: performance and lifetime testing, model development and evaluation for use in stationary energy storage for the electricity grid. Within the project, test protocols and load cycles representing normal use but gently accelerating ageing, without starting unrelated ageing mechanisms, will be developed. In parallel two models, developed for Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), will be applied and evaluated for the SIB cell. A physics-based model, to study the physical processes that take place in SIBs, and a data-driven ageing algorithm for usage in applications.


Evelina Wikner (contact)

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Patrik Johansson

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics

Torbjörn Thiringer

Chalmers, Electrical Engineering, Electric Power Engineering

Kasper Westman

Chalmers, Physics, Materials Physics


Altris AB

Uppsala, Sweden

Rocking Chair Informatics AB

Göteborg, Sweden


Swedish Energy Agency

Project ID: P2022-00737
Funding Chalmers participation during 2023–2027

Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure

Sustainable development

Driving Forces


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