Analysis of Naturalistic Driving Study Data: Safer Glances, Driver Inattention, and Crash Risk
Report, 2014

This work was sponsored by the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2), which is administered by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. This project was managed by Ken Campbell, Chief Program Officer for SHRP 2 Safety , and Jim Hedlund, SHRP 2 Safety Coordinator . The research reported on herein was performed by the main contractor SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden. SAFER is a joint research unit where 25 partners from the Swedish automotive industry, academia and authorities cooperate to make a center of excellence within the field of vehicle and traffic safety (see ). The host and legal entity SAFER is Chalmers University of Technology. Principle Investigator Tr ent Victor is Adjunct Professor at Chalmers and worked on the project as borrowed personnel to Chalmers but his main employer is Volvo Cars. The other authors of this report are Co - PI Marco Dozza, Jonas Bärgman, and Christian - Nils Boda of Chalmers Universi ty of Technology (as a SAFER partner) ; Johan Engström and Gustav Markkula of Volvo Group Trucks Technology (as a SAFER partner) ; John D. Lee of University of Wisconsin - Madison (as a consultant to SAFER); and Carol Flannagan of University of Michigan Transp ortation Research Institute (UMTRI) (as a consultant to SAFER). The authors acknowledge the contributions to this research from Ines Heinig, Vera Lisovskaja, Olle Nerman, Holger Rootzén, Dmitrii Zholud, Helena Gellerman , Leyla Vujić, Martin Rensfeldt, Stefan Venbrant, Akhil Krishnan, Bharat Mohan Redrouthu, Daniel Nilsson of Chalmers; Mikael Ljung - Aust of Volvo Cars; Erwin Boer; Christer Ahlström and Omar Bagdadi of VTI.


Trent Victor

Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers

Marco Dozza

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety

Jonas Bärgman

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety

Christian-Nils Åkerberg Boda

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety

Johan A Skifs Engström

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Safety

Gustav M Markkula

Chalmers, Applied Mechanics, Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems

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Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Other Engineering and Technologies


Other Social Sciences

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