Energy and peak-power optimization of existing time-optimal robot trajectories
Paper in proceeding, 2016

This paper, as an outcome of the EU project AREUS, heralds an optimization procedure that reduces up to 30% of energy consumption and up to 60% of peak-power for the trajectories that were tested on a real industrial robot. We have evaluated a number of cost functions and examined our algorithm for a variety of scenarios such as varying cycle times and single/two-robot cases. The significance of our work is not only in the impressive savings, simplicity of implementation and preserving path and cycle time, but also in the effort made to carry out the optimization and experiments in as realistic conditions as possible.


Sarmad Riazi

Chalmers, Signals and Systems, Systems and control

Kristofer Bengtsson

Chalmers, Signals and Systems, Systems and control

R. Bischoff

KUKA Aktiengesellschaft

A. Aurnhammer

KUKA Aktiengesellschaft

Oskar Wigström

Chalmers, Signals and Systems, Systems and control

Bengt Lennartson

Chalmers, Signals and Systems, Systems and control

IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering

21618070 (ISSN) 21618089 (eISSN)

Vol. 2016-November 321-327
978-1-5090-2409-4 (ISBN)

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