Bridging the Experimental Gap: Applying Continuous Experimentation to the Field of Cyber-Physical Systems, in the Example of the Automotive Domain
Doctoral thesis, 2020
A software engineering practice capable of accelerating and guiding the software production process using real-world data is Continuous Experimentation. This practice proved to be valuable in software-intensive web-based systems, allowing data-driven software evolution. It involves the use of experiments, which are instrumented versions of the software to be tested, deployed to the actual systems and executed in a limited way alongside the official software version. Valuable data on the future behavior of the prospective feature is collected in this way as it was fed the same real-world data it would encounter once approved and deployed. Additionally, in those cases where an experimental software version can be run as a replacement for the official version, relevant data regarding the system-user interaction can be gathered.
In this thesis, the field of cyber-physical systems and the automotive practitioners' perspective on Continuous Experimentation are sampled employing a literature review and a series of case studies. A set of necessary architectural characteristics are defined and possible methods to overcome the issue of resource constraints in cyber-physical systems are proposed in two exploratory studies. Finally, a design study shows and analyses a prototype of a Continuous Experimentation cycle that was designed and executed in a project partnered by Revere, the Chalmers University of Technology's laboratory for vehicle research.
Cyber-Physical Systems
Software Engineering
Continuous Experimentation
Federico Giaimo
Chalmers, Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers), Software Engineering (Chalmers)
The Automotive Take on Continuous Experimentation: A Multiple Case Study
Proceedings - 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2019,;(2019)p. 126-130
Paper in proceeding
Continuous Experimentation and the cyber-physical systems challenge: An overview of the literature and the industrial perspective.
Journal of Systems and Software,;Vol. 170(2020)
Journal article
Design Criteria to Architect Continuous Experimentation for Self-Driving Vehicles
Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, ICSA 2017,;(2017)p. 203-210
Paper in proceeding
Considerations about continuous experimentation for resource-constrained platforms in self-driving vehicles
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),;Vol. 10475 LNCS(2017)p. 84-91
Paper in proceeding
Continuous Experimentation for Automotive Software on the Example of a Heavy Commercial Vehicle in Daily Operation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),;Vol. 12292 (2020)p. 73-88
Paper in proceeding
Continuous Experimentation is a software engineering practice for using real-world data to guide software evolution that proved to be effective for web-based systems. New features to be tested, called 'experiments', are deployed to the actual systems and executed in a limited way beside the official software. The same real-world data is fed to all the experiments and information about the features’ future behavior is gathered to make informed decisions about development efforts.
The goal of this thesis is to introduce this practice to the cyber-physical systems field, in the example of the automotive domain. This thesis is supported by a literature review and empirical studies to analyze the field of cyber-physical systems and the automotive practitioners' perspective on Continuous Experimentation. Additional studies devise a set of architectural characteristics needed to enable this practice as well as possible methods to overcome the issue of limited computational resources. Finally, a Continuous Experimentation infrastructure is proposed and analyzed.
COPPLAR CampusShuttle cooperative perception & planning platform
VINNOVA (2015-04849), 2016-01-01 -- 2018-12-31.
Highly Automated Freight Transports TSAF (AutoFreight)
VINNOVA (2016-05413), 2017-04-01 -- 2019-12-31.
Highly Automated Freight Transports EUTS (AutoFreight)
VINNOVA (2016-05415), 2017-04-01 -- 2020-02-29.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Software Engineering
Embedded Systems
ReVeRe (Research Vehicle Resource)
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 4813
Room 473, Jupiter building, Campus Lindholmen
Opponent: Jürgen Münch, Reutlingen University, Germany