Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Licentiate thesis, 2021
additive noise
real-time signal processing
binaural rendering
Spherical microphone arrays
Hannes Helmholz
Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Applied Acoustics
Real-Time Implementation of Binaural Rendering of High-Order Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2019,;(2019)
Paper in proceeding
Updates on the Real-Time Spherical Array Renderer (ReTiSAR)
Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2020,;(2020)p. 1169-1172
Paper in proceeding
Evaluation of Sensor Self-Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings,;Vol. 2020-May(2020)p. 161-165
Paper in proceeding
Instrumental Evaluation of Sensor Self-Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum,;(2020)p. 1349-1356
Paper in proceeding
H. Helmholz, D. Lou Alon, S. V. Amengual Garí, and J. Ahrens, “Effects of Additive Noise in Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Signals,” IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., pp. 1-12 (accepted).
Binaural Rendering of Spherical Microphone Array Data
Oculus Inc., 2018-05-01 -- 2019-04-30.
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Media and Communication Technology
Software Engineering
Signal Processing
Areas of Advance
Information and Communication Technology
Lic / Architecture and Civil Engineering / Chalmers University of Technology: Technical report ACE 2021:9
Opponent: Prof. Christoph Pörschmann, TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences, Germany