Sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations: Reviewing research, market and societal trends
Journal article, 2025

Research into the impact of innovative sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations is crucial to diversifying, scaling up, and accelerating the sustainable energy transition. Although there is vast research into sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations, research literature offers a fragmented collection of findings. A coherent overview of themes and insights regarding the transformative impact of innovative sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations on sustainable energy systems from the past, present, and near future is lacking and necessary to increase experiments and demonstrations' impact on the sustainable energy transition. The research in this study fills this knowledge gap by providing such an overview and yields novel insights into the organized function and impact of experiments and demonstrations. It spans a broad spectrum of sustainable energy technologies, the empirical domains where these are invented, developed and applied, and the stakeholders involved. The overview is the outcome of a Delphi study in which the insights of 47 international scientific research experts in sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations are bundled and explained. This study presents a thematic overview of the significant insights regarding past and current sustainable energy experiments and demonstrations and outlines a research agenda for the future. Policymakers, practitioners, and scientists can leverage this to inform their sustainable energy policies, business strategies, and research programs.


Pilot plants


Pilot projects



Demonstration plans

Sustainable energy



Sandra Hasanefendic

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Marjolein Hoogstraaten

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Martin Bloemendal

Delft University of Technology

Wouter Boon

Utrecht University

Han Brezet

Aalborg University

Maryse Chappin

Utrecht University

Lars Coenen

Yuxi Dai

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Remi Elzinga

Utrecht University

Paula Femenias

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Design

Johan Frishammar

Nicolien van der Grijp

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Anke van Hal

Elizabeth von Hauff

Renée Heller

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Hans Hellsmark

Environmental Systems Analysis 00

Thomas Hoppe

University of Twente

Olindo Isabella

Matthijs J. Janssen

Jenni Kaipainen

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH)

Tamas Keviczky

Mohammad Ali Khosravi

Thaleia Konstantinou

Delft University of Technology

Stefan Kwant

Utrecht University

Janneke van der Leer

Chalmers, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Building Design

Adriaan van der Loos

Utrecht University

Zhongxuan Ma

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Christian May

Toon Meelen

Utrecht University

Erwin Mlecnik

Delft University of Technology

Trivess Moore

RMIT University

Mette Alberg Mosgaard

Aalborg University

Seyedesmaeil Mousavi

Simona O. Negro

Utrecht University

Gregory Nemet

University of Wisconsin Madison

Marianna Nigra

Polytechnic University of Turin

David Reiner

Frank van Rijnsoever

Utrecht University

Marianne Ryghaug

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Rudi Santbergen

Delft University of Technology

Svein Gunnar Sjøtun

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Iva Ridjan Skov

Tomas Moe Skjølsvold

Carla Smink

Aalborg University

Patrik Soderholm

Sybrith Tiekstra

Aalborg University

Philip Vardon

Delft University of Technology

Gerdien de Vries

Delft University of Technology

Rong Wang

Bart Bossink

Energy Research and Social Science

22146296 (ISSN) 22146326 (eISSN)

Vol. 122

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Innovation and entrepreneurship

Subject Categories (SSIF 2025)

Construction Management

Areas of Advance




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