Paula Femenias

Professor at Building Design

Paulas research focuses on sustainable development of the built environment. She researches new and rebuilds from a development and innovation perspective. Her goal is to increase the knowledge of how the building sector works and performs in relation to goals for low energy buildings and sustainable development. Paula is responsible for the course Architecture, Environment and Sustainable development.

Image of Paula Femenias

Showing 162 publications


Energy Efficiency and Socio-Cultural Values in Public Policy in the City of Stockholm

Stina Hagelqvist, Mattias Legnér, Maria Paula Femenias
Historic Environment: Policy and Practice. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Varför flyttar hyresgäster vid renovering?

Paula Femenias, Kaj Granath
Report - Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

Oförsvarligt att riva landshövdingehusen i Kvillestaden

Gustav Bergström, Claes Caldenby, Paula Femenias et al
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Newspaper article

Energy use patterns and renovations of Swedish second homes

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, D. Johansson, Paula Femenias et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 2654 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Energy systems in sustainability-profiled districts in Sweden: A literature review and a socio-technical ecology approach for future research

Janneke van der Leer, Alexandra Calvén, Wiktoria Glad et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 101
Review article

Understanding the progress of sustainable urban development through energy performance

Janneke van der Leer, Paula Femenias, Kaj Granath
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1085 (1)
Paper in proceeding

The Implementation of Conservation Policy and the Application of Solar Energy Technology in Small House Areas: Stockholm, Sweden

Mattias Legnér, Paula Femenias
Historic Environment: Policy and Practice. Vol. 13 (2), p. 171-195
Journal article

Relocation rationale - Why people move in connection with renovation projects

Kaj Granath, Paula Femenias
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1085 (1), p. 54DUMMY-
Paper in proceeding

Determining spatial characteristics for circular building design: The case of kitchen alterations

Anita Ollár, Paula Femenias, Kaj Granath et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1085
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable building renovation – strategies and processes

Per Anker Jensen, Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias et al
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 40 (3), p. 157-160
Other text in scientific journal

Störning en faktor att planera för vid bostadsrenovering

Paula Femenias, Kaj Granath
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 3 (22), p. 50-52
Magazine article

What are typical levels of housing renovation? A typology based on Swedish public strategies

Paula Femenias, Kaj Granath
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1085 (1)
Paper in proceeding

The voices of vulnerable tenants in renovation

Paula Femenias, Elisabeth Punzi, Kaj Granath
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1078 (1)
Paper in proceeding

A multi-criteria decision support method towards selecting feasible and sustainable housing renovation strategies

Antonio Serrano-Jiménez, Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 278
Journal article

How well do policies for energy efficiency and heritage values in the Swedish housing stock work

Paula Femenias, Mattias Legnér
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 863 (1)
Paper in proceeding

My apartment is cold! Household perceptions of indoor climate and demand-side management in Sweden

Sofie Hagejärd, Giliam Dokter, Ulrike Rahe et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 73
Journal article

Foresights from the Swedish Kitchen: Four Circular Value Opportunities for the Built Environment

Anita Ollár, Paula Femenias, Ulrike Rahe et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (16)
Journal article

Boendes syn på kulturvärden: Resultat från enkäter och intervjuer i samband med renovering av äldre flerbostadshus

Paula Femenias, Lina Jonsdotter, Alexander Knutsson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Designing for Circularity—Addressing Product Design, Consumption Practices and Resource Flows in Domestic Kitchens

Sofie Hagejärd, Anita Ollár, Paula Femenias et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (3)
Journal article

What does energy mean for people? Perspectives on renovation and energy retrofit among Swedish tenants

Paula Femenias, Alexander Knutsson, Lina Jonsdotter
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Adaptable housing? A quantitative study of contemporary apartment layouts that have been rearranged by end-users

Paula Femenias, Faustine Geromel
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol. 35 (2), p. 481-505
Journal article

Action Research for sustainability: co-creation overcoming fragmentation in multidisciplinary design teams

Elise Grosse, Paula Femenias
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Om-renovering: Möjligheter för energieffektivisering och återskapande av kulturvärden när flerbostadshus renoveras på nytt

Paula Femenias, Adeline Jerome, Paula Wahlgren et al
Report - Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE)

Bostadsbolagen tenderar att göra mer varsam renovering

Kristina Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Kerstin Annadotter
Energi och miljö. Vol. 2020 (2 Februari), p. 46-47
Magazine article

The implementation of energy saving policies and their influence on energy use and cultural values in the housing stock of Sweden

Mattias Legnér, Paula Femenias
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper in proceeding

Textil arkitektur - nya möjligheter att skapa bättre akustik i urbana miljöer

Kristina Fridh, Margareta Zetterblom, Paula Femenias
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 112 (3), p. 48-51
Magazine article

Flytt i samband med renovering: Preliminära resultat från en pilotstudie

Paula Femenias, Lina Jonsdotter, Alexander Knutsson et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Textile architecture – about sound absorbing facades and textiles in urban landscapes

Kristina Fridh, Margareta Zetterblom, Paula Femenias
Other - Exhibition

Potentials and Challenges for Integrating PV in Roof Renovation of Multi-residential Houses—A Questionnaire Survey

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Johan Gren et al
Cold Climate HVAC 2018, p. 231-241
Paper in proceeding

Om-renovering – möjligheter för energieffektivisering när äldre flerbostadshus renoveras en andra gång

Paula Femenias, Paula Wahlgren, Pär Johansson et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 2019 (2), p. 24-28
Magazine article

Renovation Strategies for Multi-Residential Buildings from the Record Years in Sweden—Profit-Driven or Socioeconomically Responsible?

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Kerstin Annadotter
Sustainability. Vol. 11 (24)
Journal article

Från omfattande till varsam renovering

Paula Femenias, Sara Hamon, Josephina Wilson et al
Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv: En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRen, p. 47-54
Book chapter

Multidimensional evaluation of tenants’ temporal relocation during a renovation: A comparison between two case studies from Sweden

Antonio Serrano-Jiménez, Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 297 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Residential movements in connection to renovation of rented multi-residential housing: A pilot study

Paula Femenias, Lina Jonsdotter, J. Forsemalm et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 297 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Har bostadens utformning betydelse för den miljömässiga och sociala hållbarheten?

Paula Femenias
Bygglov Göteborg 2016, p. 143-155
Book chapter

The Role of the Architect in Sustainable Housing Transformation. Four Swedish Case Studies.

Paula Femenias
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research. Vol. 31 (1), p. 115-138
Journal article

Kunskapslyft renovering

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Fredrik Olsson et al
Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv. En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRen, p. 65-70
Book chapter

Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv: En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRen

Stefan Olander, Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias et al
Edited book

Sound absorbing textile surfaces in the urban landscape - collaborative research in textile and architectural design

Kristina Fridh, Margareta Zetterblom, Paula Femenias
Futurescan 4: Valuing Practice Edited by: Helena Britt, Kevin Almond, Laura Morgan
Paper in proceeding

Solceller som solavskärmning. Forskning, utveckling och demonstration

Peter Kovacs, Olleper Hemlin, Jon Persson et al
Report - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Informing sustainable architecture - Social sustainability

Paula Femenias, Moa Lipschütz, Liane Thuvander
Informing sustainable architecture - the STED project, p. 142-157
Book chapter

Takrenovering med solceller – en enkätstudie

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Johan Gren et al
Bygg & teknik, p. 15-18
Magazine article

Bostadsforskare om Bostadskvalitet

Ola Nylander, Paula Femenias, Morgan Andersson et al

Krönika: "Felplanerade bostadsrätter ökar resursslöseri."

Paula Femenias
ICHB Informationscentrum för hållbart byggande hemsidan
Newspaper article

Design tools for a sustainable design process - the view of practicing architects

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Anita Ollár
Emerging architectures. The changing shape of architectural practices (Editor: Walter Unterrainer), p. 28-30
Book chapter

Retinking deep renovation: The perspective of rental housing in Sweden

Paula Femenias, Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Liane Thuvander
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 195, p. 1457-1467
Journal article

Solavskärmningar med integrerade solceller – hur och varför? ELSA-Guiden

Peter Kovacs, Olleper Hemlin, Jon Persson et al
Report - The Swedish Construction Federation

Transdisciplinary Research in the Built Environment: A Question of Time

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander
Technology Innovation Management Review. Vol. 8 (8), p. 27-40
Journal article

Retrofitting from the Inside/Insight Perspective: Adapting to Users’ Needs with the Kitchen as a Starting Point

Sofie Hagejärd, Anita Ollár, Paula Femenias et al
Other conference contribution

Framtidens klimatsmarta och hållbara bostad

Paula Femenias, Cecilia Holmström, Henrik Jönsson

Renovating the Housing Stock Built Before 1945: Exploring the Relations Between Energy Efficiency, Embodied Energy and Heritage Values

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Pär Johansson et al
Springer Proceedings in Energy: Cold Climate HVAC 2018, Kiruna, Sweden, 12-15 March, 2018, p. 291-301
Paper in proceeding

Elgenererande solavskärmningar - En erfarenhetsåterföring av byggda exempel

Anna Gustafsson, Yifei Xu, Paula Femenias et al

Energirenovering av flerfamiljshus uppförda före 1945: De boendes perspektiv

Paula Femenias, Klara Mörk, Petra Eriksson et al
Bygg och teknik. Vol. 2018 (5), p. 10-15
Magazine article

Value creation by re-renovation – focus on the user perspective

Paula Femenias, Petra Eriksson, Liane Thuvander et al
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, EEHB2018, p. 172-181
Paper in proceeding

Utmaningar för hållbar förnyelse: En studie av miljonprogramsområdet Siriusgatan

Paula Femenias, Pernilla Gluch, Kristina Norling Mjörnell
Report - Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

Users in low-energy buildings: Consequences for clients

F. Bougrain, Paula Femenias
Clients and Users in Construction: Agency, Governance and Innovation, p. 50-68
Book chapter

Improving the Market Up-take of Energy Producing Solar Shading: Experiences from Three Cases of Retrofit

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Peter Kovacs
Proceedings from the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong 5-7 June, p. 682-688
Paper in proceeding

Improving the market up-take of energy producing solar shading: A communication model to discuss preferences for architectural integration across different professions

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Anna Gustafsson et al
Proceedings of th9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization, 13-14 June, 2017 at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, SWEDEN, p. 140-151
Paper in proceeding

Solceller i samband med takrenovering på flerbostadshus – En litteratur- och enkätstudie

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Johan Gren et al
Report - Chalmers, Arkitektur och samhällsbyggnadsteknik

Återbruk: En outnyttjad potential vid renovering

Paula Femenias, Sofia Meurk, Kristina Norling Mjörnell
Bygg och teknik (2), p. 26-28
Magazine article

Developing a business model for sustainable renovation of public housing

Tim Jonsson, Pernilla Gluch, Nicodemus Stiller et al
9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization 13-14 June, 2017 at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, SWEDEN. Vol. 13 (242)
Paper in proceeding

Renoveringsbehov i äldre hus: möjligheter för energieffektivisering och bevarande av kulturmiljö

Paula Femenias, Pär Johansson, Paula Wahlgren et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 2017 (2), p. 32-37
Magazine article

Future Challenges for Renovation as Experienced by Swedish Housing Companies

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Birgit Brunklaus
Proceedings from the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong 5-7 June, p. 647-652
Paper in proceeding

Nya utsikter för solceller vid takrenovering

Peter Kovács, Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias et al
Bygg & Teknik. Vol. 2017 (4), p. 12-17
Magazine article

Earthy textiles. Experiences from a joint teaching encounter between textile design and architecture

Paula Femenias, Kristina Fridh, Margareta Zetterblom et al
Cumulus REDO Conference Proceedings Design School Kolding 30 May - 2 June 2017, p. 236-251
Paper in proceeding

Architectural Research in Living Labs: Exploring Occupier Driven Changes in Homes

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Cecilia Holmström et al
Living Labs Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living; Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (Eds.), p. 89-99
Book chapter


Shea Hagy, Peter Selberg, Larry Toups et al
Living Labs Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living. Keyson, David V., Guerra-Santin, David V. and Dan Lockton (Eds.)., p. 103-111
Book chapter

Sustainable homes, or simply energy-efficient buildings?

Pernilla Hagbert, Paula Femenias
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Vol. 31 (1), p. 1-17
Journal article

Socio-economic impact of renovation and energy retrofitting of the Gothenburg building stock

Mikael Mangold, Magnus Österbring, Holger Wallbaum et al
Energy and Buildings. Vol. 123, p. 41-49
Journal article

Arkitektur och materialflöden i bostäder: Hur påverkar arkitekturen materialflöden över tid i bostadsrätter?

Lina Jonsdotter, Paula Femenias, Cecilia Holmström et al
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 12-16
Magazine article

Arkitektur, materialflöden och klimatpåverkan i bostäder

Paula Femenias, Cecilia Holmström, Lina Jonsdotter et al

Pending for Renovations: Understanding the Conditions of the Multi-family Housing Stock from before 1945

Pär Johansson, Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander et al
Energy Procedia. Vol. 96, p. 170-179
Paper in proceeding

Renoveringsbarometern: Omfattning och karaktär av renoveringar i bostadshus

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Birgit Brunklaus et al
Bygg & Teknik (2/16), p. 23-28
Magazine article

SIRen - En stark forskningsmiljö för hållbar integrerad renovering

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
Bygg & Teknik (2), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Strategies for integrated and sustainable renovation: A stronger voice for architectural knowledge

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander
Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design, p. 133-140
Book chapter

A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden

Kristina Norling Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
SASBE 2015 (Smart and Sustainable Built Environments). Pretoria, South Africa.
Paper in proceeding

Det sociala och renovering - en översikt av tidigare erfarenhet

Paula Femenias
Social hållbarhet med fokus på bostadsrenovering, p. 65-76
Book chapter

The unspoken: Architectural values, material flows and renovation of modern housing stock

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander
Proceedings of the 31th International PLEA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Koll på hållbar renovering

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Kristina Norling Mjörnell et al
Bygg och Teknik. Vol. 2015 (2), p. 30-34
Magazine article

25 Years of shaping future architects and architecture - The evolution of a sustainable building curriculum

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Barbara Rubino et al
Proceedings of the 31th International PLEA Conference
Paper in proceeding

Perspektiv på bostadsförnyelse: Slutrapport från en förstudie av Högsbohöjd

Paula Femenias, Maria Liabäck, Niklas Skogsäter

Leda innovation i byggherreföretag. En guideline

Anna Kadefors, Paula Femenias

Sustainability indicators for redevelopment: Assessing the long-term effect of different strategies used in two housing areas

Paula Femenias
World Sustainable Building Congress Barcelona 28-30 October 2014
Paper in proceeding

Delivering and operating low-energy buildings in France and Sweden

Frédéric Bougrain, Paula Femenias
CIB Facilities Management Conference, Copenhagen 21-23 May 2014, p. 57-68
Paper in proceeding

Ställ tekniska egenskapskrav och använd deklarationerna

Jan-Olof Dalenbäck, Dennis Johansson, Hans Lind et al
Energi & Miljö. Vol. 2014 (4), p. 40-41
Magazine article

Strategier för renovering och ombyggnad av flerbostadshus från 1940-1960-talet: Strategimatris - ett exempel

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Leif Andersson
Bygg och Teknik (Nr 2/2014), p. 12-20
Magazine article

Comparing socio-technical regimes and transition potential in Austrian and Swedish multi-residential housing

Paula Femenias, Iva Kovacic, Maja Lorbek et al
World Sustainable Building Congress Barcelona 28-30 October 2014
Paper in proceeding

A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden

Kristina Mjörnell, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg et al
World SB14, Barcelona, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, 28-30 October 2014.
Paper in proceeding

Testing and evaluating sustainable design practices

Olga Bannova, Maria Nyström, Paula Femenias et al
Proceedings from the International Conference on Architectural Research ARCC/EAAE, 12-15 February, 2014 Honolulu
Paper in proceeding

Case Torpa - en arbetsrapport inom forskningsprojektet ReBo

Annika Danielsson, Anna Sofia Wannerskog, Paula Femenias et al

’Defining challenges for sustainable future homes: A review of earlier experimental activities

Paula Femenias
Proceedings from the International Conference on Architectural Research ARCC/EAAE, 12-15 February, 2014 Honolulu, p. 148-155
Paper in proceeding

Paradoxes and Possibilities for a ‘Green’ Housing Sector: A Swedish Case

Pernilla Hagbert, Mikael Mangold, Paula Femenias
Sustainability. Vol. 5 (5), p. 2018-2035
Journal article

Testing a multi-value approach to support decision making in renovation in the pre-design phase: A housing area in Sweden from the 1940s.

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Annika Danielsson et al
Proceedings of the Central Europe towards Sustainable Building conference, CESB13, 26-28 June, Prague., p. 1-4
Paper in proceeding

Få möjligheter att utmana det som byggs idag

Paula Femenias, Pernilla Hagbert, Emma Persson
Arkitekten. Vol. 2013 (6-7), p. 62-62
Magazine article

BEYOND GREEN - the unsustainable home in the environmentally adapted building

Pernilla Hagbert, Paula Femenias, Maria Nyström et al
10th European Academy of Design Conference - Crafting the Future, 17-19 April, 2013, Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

The Habitation Lab: Using a Design Approach to Foster Innovation for Sustainable Living

Paula Femenias, Pernilla Hagbert
Technology Innovation Management Review. Vol. 2013 (November), p. 15-21
Journal article

Integrated Strategies for Sustainable Renovation of Early Post-War Housing: The Case ofTorpa, a Housing Area and National Heritage Asset in Sweden

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander, Annika Danielsson
Cultural Heritage Preservation: Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation, Bolzano, Italy, 16-18 September 2013, p. 159-165
Paper in proceeding

Sweden: Integrated Strategies to Overcome Market Barriers

Paula Femenias, Anna Lisa Lindén
Energy Efficiency in Housing Management: Policies and practice in eleven countries (Eds: Nico Niebor; Sasha Tsenkova; Vincent Gruis; Anke van Hal), p. 16-37
Book chapter

Teaching, assessment and quality in architectural teaching

Paula Femenias
Other conference contribution

Objectifs en faveur de l'environnement et du développement durable dans la transformation de logements publics existants: Un apercu de 25 années d'éxperience en Suède

Paula Femenias
l'Implication des habitants dans les projet d'ecoquartiers en France: Quelles pratiques, quelles perspectives?, p. 122-139
Other conference contribution

Byggherrar och innovation – från process till förmåga

Anna Kadefors, Paula Femenias
Bygginnovationers förutsättningar och effekter, p. 34-42
Book chapter

The unsustainable home in the environmentally adjusted residential building?

Pernilla Hagbert, Paula Femenias, Maria Nyström et al
56th International Federation of Housing and Planning World Congress; 16-19 September, 2012, Göteborg
Other conference contribution

Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Kristina Norling Mjörnell et al
Sustainability. Vol. 4 (6), p. 1188-1213
Journal article

Strategies for an Integrated Sustainable Renovation Process: Focus on the Swedish Housing stock ‘People’s Home’

Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias, Pär Meiling
Proceedings from the International Sustainable Building Conference SB11 in Helsinki 18-21October 2011
Paper in proceeding

Clients’ strategies for driving innovation in low energy building

Paula Femenias, Anna Kadefors
Proceedings from the International Sustainable Building Conference SB11 in Helsinki 18-21 September 2011
Paper in proceeding

Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector – The Swedish Case’

Anna Lisa Lindén, Paula Femenias
Proceedings from International European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) conference, Istanbul July 2010 ‘Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation
Other conference contribution

Retrofitting the city: Re-use of non-domestic buildings

Paula Femenias, Colin Fudge
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning. Vol. 163 (3), p. 117-126
Journal article

Sustainable Housing Transformations: The Housing Association as a Change Agent for Environmental Innovation and Social Regeneration – Two case studies

Anke Hal van, Paula Femenias
Proceedings from the International European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) conference, Prague July 2009 ‘Changing Housing Markets: Integration and Segmentation
Other conference contribution


Anke van Hal, Paula Femenias
Proceedings of the 3rd CIB International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environment : SASBE09, 15 - 19 June 2009, Netherlands, Delft, Aula Congress Centre.
Paper in proceeding

The demonstration project as a tool for client driven innovation: exploring the possibilities from a Swedish perspective

Paula Femenias, Anna Kadefors, Michael Eden
Proceeding from the international conference Changing Roles; New Roles, New Challenges. Noordwijk an Zee, The Netherlands, 5-9 October 2009, p. 199-210
Paper in proceeding

Linking Social and Environmental Aspects: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Refurbishment Projects

Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander, Paula Femenias
Local Environment. Vol. 14 (6), p. 539-554
Journal article

Potentials and challenges for sustainable retrofitting of non-domestic buildings: A UK perspective

Colin Fudge, Paula Femenias
Proceedings of the 2008 International Scientific Committee World Sustainable Building Conference, Melbourne Vic. Australia, eds. G. Foliente, T. Luetzkendorf, P Newton, and L. Paevere, p. 558-565
Paper in proceeding

Supporting development towards more sustainable building: perspectives on the demonstration project as a strategy for change

Michael Eden, Barbara Rubino, Paula Femenias
Proceedings of the 2008 International Scientific Committee World Sustainable Building Conference, Melbourne Vic. Australia, eds. G. Foliente, T. Luetzkendorf, P Newton, and L. Paevere, p. 1909-1916
Paper in proceeding

Competitive cooperation in Swedish projects for sustainable building

Barbara Rubino, Paula Femenias, Michael Eden
Melbourne, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Rusta med miljön i fokus!

Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander
Invandrare & Minoriteter. Vol. 34 (4-5), p. 42-46
Magazine article

Towards a Sustainable Building Approach: arenas of enactment, models of diffusion and the meaning of demnstration projects for change

Barbara Rubino, Michael Eden, Paula Femenias
CIB World Building Congress "Construction for development" 2007, Cape Town, South Africa
Paper in proceeding

Experiences from Universeum Science Centre in Sweden: Focus on the delivery phase a weak link between the project and the building in use

Paula Femenias
In proceedings from the 23rd International conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture Geneva 6-9 September
Paper in proceeding

Växthus del i socialt program som skall öka trivseln

Paula Femenias
Husbyggaren (5)
Magazine article

Speciella klimatkrav för Universeum

Paula Femenias
Magazine article

Demonstration projects as an Arena for Implementation and Development of Sustainable Building

Michael Eden, Paula Femenias, Barbara Rubino
Paper accepted for the conference SB05
Paper in proceeding

Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building: Towards a Strategy for Sustainable Development in the Building Sector

Paula Femenias
To be published in proceedings of the International Conference Sustainable Building 2005 SB05
Paper in proceeding

Potentials for Sustainable Development by Amalgamating Social and Environmental Aspects: Experiences from Refurbishment Projects in Sweden

Liane Thuvander, Jenny Stenberg, Paula Femenias
The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference, Tokyo, Japan
Paper in proceeding

Demonstration projects as an arena for implementation and development or sustainable building

Michael Eden, Paula Femenias, Barbara Rubino
Sustainable building 05, Tokyo
Other conference contribution

Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building – What’s in them for utility?

Paula Femenias
In Proceedings from Sustainable Built Environments: SBE2005, Pretoria June 22 – 24, 2005, p. 73-83
Other conference contribution

Zweedse hout

Paula Femenias
Puur Wonen
Magazine article

Demonstration Projects - An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Building?

Paula Femenias
In Proceedings from the Regional Central and Eastern European Conference on Sustainable Building (SB04),
Other conference contribution

The Built Example as Design Tool for the Making of Sustainable Architecture

Paula Femenias
In Proceedings from the International Conference Architectura 3000, 30 June – 2 July 2004. Barcelona.
Other conference contribution

Demonstration Projects – An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Building?

Paula Femenias
In Proceedings from the Regional Central and Eastern European Conference on Sustainable Building (SB04), 27-29 October, Warsaw.
Other conference contribution

Innovating for Sustainable Building: Guidelines for the Making of Demonstration Projects

Paula Femenias, Anke van Hal
Paper in preparation for the 11th International Conference of the Greening of the Industry Network:
Other conference contribution

Medias bild av "hållbart byggande"

Paula Femenias, Pernilla Gluch
Miljöforskning (6)
Magazine article

Communicating Sustainable Building: The Image Conveyed in Media

Pernilla Gluch, Paula Femenias
Proceedings of The 10th International Conference of the Greening of Industry network: "Corparate Social Responsibility - Governance for Sustainability"
Other conference contribution

Discursive features of sustainable building in media

Pernilla Gluch, Paula Femenias
Proceedings of International Conference of Sustainable Building 2002, p. 191-
Paper in proceeding

Communicating Sustainable Building: The Image Conveyed by Media

Pernilla Gluch, Paula Femenias
Mistra Sustainable Building: Experiences From a Cross-Disciplinary Research Programme, eds. Eds. Eden, M and Jönsson, Å. Department of Building Economics and Management/ Department of Built Environment and Sustainable Development. Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg, p. 77-90
Book chapter

Accepting the Challenge: Interpretation and Implementation of Sustainable Building in the Swedish and the Dutch Building Sectors

Paula Femenias
I Proceedings of Sustainable Building 2002 International Conference – “The Challenge, The Knowledge, The Solutions”, September 23-25 2002. Olso, Norway.
Other conference contribution

What, and in what way can we learn from demonstrations projects?

Paula Femenias
In Proceedings from NORDCONF01 Göteborg 23 – 24 April 2001.
Paper in proceeding

Environmental design strategies - Learning from buildings

Paula Femenias
Proceedings of International Conference Sustainable Building 2000, 22-25 October, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Other conference contribution

Framtidsstudier av fönsterbyten i miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus

Paula Femenias, Liane Thuvander
Bygg och teknik 2000 (8), p. 37-40
Magazine article

Learning from buildings - A discussion on how knowledge can be gained from case studies of sustainable design

Paula Femenias
Proceedings of TIA - Teachers of Architecture, conference in Oxford, 9-12 July. Oxford.
Other conference contribution

Learning from Buildings; A Strategy for Environmental Design

Paula Femenias
Licentiate thesis

Bergsjön an ecological district

Paula Femenias
Proceedings of CIB W69 meeting in Göteborg June 4-8 1998. CIB Proceedings Publication 243. Rotterdam
Other conference contribution

Ekobyggen i Göteborg med omnejd

Paula Femenias

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Showing 27 research projects


Adaptation of multi-family buildings to extreme heat

Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Paula Femenias Building Design
Martine Buser Building Design
Marli Swanepoel Building Design
Joel André Slunitschek Building Services Engineering
Kaj Granath Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency


Effects, measures and solutions for resilient housing to extreme heat

Despoina Teli Building Services Engineering
Martine Buser Building Design
Paula Femenias Building Design
Joel André Slunitschek Building Services Engineering
Marli Swanepoel Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design


Bologi: Humans, resilience and energy and resource use in homes for tomorrow

Paula Femenias Building Design
Elton Chan Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design
Maitri Dore Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency


Energieffektivisering och varsam renovering av fritidshus

Paula Femenias Building Design
Maria Elander Building Design
Jasmine Jose Timavlönade Byggnadsdesign
Tanja Hellsten Romeborn Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency


The circular kitchen 2.0 from prototyp to implementation

Paula Femenias Building Design
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Ulrike Rahe Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
Anita Ollár Architectural theory and methods
Kaj Granath Building Design
Sofie Hagejärd Architectural theory and methods
Region Västra Götaland

8 publications exist

The VGR circular kitchen demonstrator (CIK)

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
Paula Femenias Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design
Ulrike Rahe Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Sofie Hagejärd Architectural theory and methods
Anita Ollár Architectural theory and methods
Region Västra Götaland
HSB Living Lab

7 publications exist

Socio-technical ecology: Energy systems in urban areas with high sustainability profile

Paula Femenias Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design
Janneke van der Leer Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

Energieffektivitet och kulturvärden i bostäder. Hur väl fungerar styrmedlen på lokal nivå?

Paula Femenias Building Design
Greta Faxberg Building Design
Elke Miedema Architectural theory and methods
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Energy efficiency and cultural values in housing. How well do the policies function on the local level?

Paula Femenias Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Consencus in energy renovation: The tenant in focus

Paula Femenias Building Design
Alexander Knutsson Building Design
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Lina Jonsdotter Building Design
Kaj Granath Building Design
Jens Widmark Building Design
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)
Swedish Energy Agency

10 publications exist

Residential movement in connection to renovation - pilot study

Paula Femenias Building Design
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Joakim Forsemalm Unknown organization
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)


The circular kitchen

Anita Ollár Architecture and Civil Engineering
Ulrike Rahe Architecture and Civil Engineering
Paula Femenias Building Design
Sofie Andersson Architectural theory and methods
Giliam Dokter Architectural theory and methods
HSB Living Lab

14 publications exist

Miljontak – takrenovering med solceller

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Paula Femenias Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

Urban Materiality - towards New Collaborations in Textile and Architectural Design

Paula Femenias Building Design
Margareta Zetterblom Unknown organization
Kristina Fridh Unknown organization
Swedish Research Council (VR)

4 publications exist

Re-renovation: Possibilities for increased energy efficiency and the re-creation of cultural historical values

Paula Femenias Building Design
Paula Wahlgren Building Technology
Pär Johansson Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Swedish Energy Agency

10 publications exist

Increased cooperation for sustainable urban development: a study of the decision process in renovating Siriusgatan, Bergsjön

Paula Femenias Building Design
Pernilla Gluch Service Management and Logistics
Kristina Mjörnell Unknown organization
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)

5 publications exist

Renoverar vi för mycket?

Paula Femenias Building Design
J. Gust. Richert stiftelse


Solar shading in a holistic perspective: energy efficency to energy production and from product to architecture [ELSA]

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Paula Femenias Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

Nordic Built – Sustainable Transformation and Environmental Design (STED)

Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Paula Femenias Building Design
Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Nordic Innovation

3 publications exist

Architecture, material flows and embodied energy in housing

Paula Femenias Building Design
Liane Thuvander Architectural theory and methods
Lina Jonsdotter Building Design
Swedish Energy Agency

8 publications exist

National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)

Paula Femenias Building Design
Jan-Olof Dalenbäck Building Services Engineering
Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Pär Johansson Building Technology
Jan Bröchner Service Management and Logistics
Jenny Stenberg Architectural theory and methods

28 publications exist

Home Energy Management (HEM)

Melina Forooraghi Building Technology
Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Anneli Selvefors Design and Human Factors
York Ostermeyer Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology
Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
Paula Femenias Building Design
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

4 publications exist

Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Frans Magnusson Architectural theory and methods
Malgorzata Zboinska Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Stig Anton Nielsen Architectural theory and methods
Atli Magnus Seelow Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Andrej Slavik Architectural theory and methods
Catharina Dyrssen Urban Design and Planning
Claes Caldenby Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Norell Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Johan Linton Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Paula Femenias Building Design
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Michael Asgaard Andersen Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Michael U. Hensel Unknown organization
Nel Janssens Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Halina Dunin-Woyseth von Turow Architectural theory and methods
Karel Deckers Unknown organization
Johan Liekens Unknown organization
Anna Maria Orrù Urban Design and Planning
Karl-Gunnar Olsson Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Daniel Koch Building Design

23 publications exist

Strategies for Integrated Sustainable Renovation: Focus on the Swedish domestic building stock ‘folkhemmet’ in the pre‐boom era

Paula Femenias Building Design
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Pär Meiling Applied Information Technology (Chalmers)
Region Västra Götaland
Centre for Management of the Built Environment (CMB)
Bebo - Beställaregruppen bostäder

10 publications exist

Homes for tomorrow. Building solutions for tomorrow as a reference for today

Greg Morrison Water Environment Technology
Karin Lundgren Civil and Environmental Engineering
Paula Femenias Building Design
Carl-Eric Hagentoft Building Technology
Pär Johansson Building Technology

1 publication exists

Initiating and implementing innovation for sustainable building: the construction client as a change agent (3iii)

Paula Femenias Building Design
Anna Kadefors Service Management and Logistics

3 publications exist
There might be more projects where Paula Femenias participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.