Paula Femenias
Paulas research focuses on sustainable development of the built environment. She researches new and rebuilds from a development and innovation perspective. Her goal is to increase the knowledge of how the building sector works and performs in relation to goals for low energy buildings and sustainable development. Paula is responsible for the course Architecture, Environment and Sustainable development.

Showing 162 publications
Energy Efficiency and Socio-Cultural Values in Public Policy in the City of Stockholm
Varför flyttar hyresgäster vid renovering?
Oförsvarligt att riva landshövdingehusen i Kvillestaden
Energy use patterns and renovations of Swedish second homes
Understanding the progress of sustainable urban development through energy performance
Relocation rationale - Why people move in connection with renovation projects
Determining spatial characteristics for circular building design: The case of kitchen alterations
Sustainable building renovation – strategies and processes
Störning en faktor att planera för vid bostadsrenovering
What are typical levels of housing renovation? A typology based on Swedish public strategies
The voices of vulnerable tenants in renovation
How well do policies for energy efficiency and heritage values in the Swedish housing stock work
My apartment is cold! Household perceptions of indoor climate and demand-side management in Sweden
Foresights from the Swedish Kitchen: Four Circular Value Opportunities for the Built Environment
Bostadsbolagen tenderar att göra mer varsam renovering
Textil arkitektur - nya möjligheter att skapa bättre akustik i urbana miljöer
Flytt i samband med renovering: Preliminära resultat från en pilotstudie
Textile architecture – about sound absorbing facades and textiles in urban landscapes
Från omfattande till varsam renovering
Residential movements in connection to renovation of rented multi-residential housing: A pilot study
Har bostadens utformning betydelse för den miljömässiga och sociala hållbarheten?
The Role of the Architect in Sustainable Housing Transformation. Four Swedish Case Studies.
Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv: En antologi från forskningsmiljön SIRen
Har bostadens utformning betydelse för den miljömässiga och sociala hållbarheten?
Solceller som solavskärmning. Forskning, utveckling och demonstration
Informing sustainable architecture - Social sustainability
Takrenovering med solceller – en enkätstudie
Krönika: "Felplanerade bostadsrätter ökar resursslöseri."
Design tools for a sustainable design process - the view of practicing architects
Retinking deep renovation: The perspective of rental housing in Sweden
Solavskärmningar med integrerade solceller – hur och varför? ELSA-Guiden
Transdisciplinary Research in the Built Environment: A Question of Time
Framtidens klimatsmarta och hållbara bostad
Elgenererande solavskärmningar - En erfarenhetsåterföring av byggda exempel
Energirenovering av flerfamiljshus uppförda före 1945: De boendes perspektiv
Value creation by re-renovation – focus on the user perspective
Utmaningar för hållbar förnyelse: En studie av miljonprogramsområdet Siriusgatan
Users in low-energy buildings: Consequences for clients
Utmaningar vid planering av hållbar bostadsförnyelse: En studie av ett miljonprogramsområde
Solceller i samband med takrenovering på flerbostadshus – En litteratur- och enkätstudie
Återbruk: En outnyttjad potential vid renovering
Developing a business model for sustainable renovation of public housing
Renoveringsbehov i äldre hus: möjligheter för energieffektivisering och bevarande av kulturmiljö
Future Challenges for Renovation as Experienced by Swedish Housing Companies
Nya utsikter för solceller vid takrenovering
Earthy textiles. Experiences from a joint teaching encounter between textile design and architecture
Architectural Research in Living Labs: Exploring Occupier Driven Changes in Homes
Sustainable homes, or simply energy-efficient buildings?
Socio-economic impact of renovation and energy retrofitting of the Gothenburg building stock
Arkitektur, materialflöden och klimatpåverkan i bostäder
Renoveringsbarometern: Omfattning och karaktär av renoveringar i bostadshus
SIRen - En stark forskningsmiljö för hållbar integrerad renovering
Strategies for integrated and sustainable renovation: A stronger voice for architectural knowledge
Effekter av renovering och bostadsförnyelse – En översikt över tidigare utvärderingar
A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden
Det sociala och renovering - en översikt av tidigare erfarenhet
The unspoken: Architectural values, material flows and renovation of modern housing stock
Perspektiv på bostadsförnyelse: Slutrapport från en förstudie av Högsbohöjd
Perspektiv på bostadsförnyelse: Vad kan vi lära av tidigare renoveringar?
Delivering and operating low-energy buildings in France and Sweden
Rebo - Strategier för hållbar renovering - fokus på perioden "folkhemmet"
Ställ tekniska egenskapskrav och använd deklarationerna
A Strong Research Environment for Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden
Testing and evaluating sustainable design practices
Rebo: Strategies for Sustainable Renovation – Focus on the Period ”Folkhemmet”
Case Torpa - en arbetsrapport inom forskningsprojektet ReBo
’Defining challenges for sustainable future homes: A review of earlier experimental activities
Paradoxes and Possibilities for a ‘Green’ Housing Sector: A Swedish Case
Få möjligheter att utmana det som byggs idag
BEYOND GREEN - the unsustainable home in the environmentally adapted building
The Habitation Lab: Using a Design Approach to Foster Innovation for Sustainable Living
Sweden: Integrated Strategies to Overcome Market Barriers
Teaching, assessment and quality in architectural teaching
Byggherrar och innovation – från process till förmåga
The unsustainable home in the environmentally adjusted residential building?
Unveiling the Process of Sustainable Renovation
Clients’ strategies for driving innovation in low energy building
Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector – The Swedish Case’
Retrofitting the city: Re-use of non-domestic buildings
Byggherremodell för demonstrationsprojekt: Implementeringsguide.
Linking Social and Environmental Aspects: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Refurbishment Projects
Potentials and challenges for sustainable retrofitting of non-domestic buildings: A UK perspective
Competitive cooperation in Swedish projects for sustainable building
Växthus del i socialt program som skall öka trivseln
Sustainable Retrofitting of Non-domestic Buildings: A UK perspective autumn 2006
Demonstration projects as an Arena for Implementation and Development of Sustainable Building
Demonstration projects as an arena for implementation and development or sustainable building
Demonstration Projects for Sustainable Building – What’s in them for utility?
Demonstration Projects - An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Building?
The Built Example as Design Tool for the Making of Sustainable Architecture
Demonstration Projects An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Building?
Innovating for Sustainable Building: Guidelines for the Making of Demonstration Projects
Medias bild av "hållbart byggande"
Communicating Sustainable Building: The Image Conveyed in Media
Discursive features of sustainable building in media
Communicating Sustainable Building: The Image Conveyed by Media
What, and in what way can we learn from demonstrations projects?
Environmental design strategies - Learning from buildings
Framtidsstudier av fönsterbyten i miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus
Nationalpaketet bostad: Nederländernas norm för uthålligt bostadsbyggande
A Study of Puerto Jubiley: Buildings and Resources in an Old Village in the Sierra Nevada
Bergsjön an ecological district
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Showing 27 research projects
Adaptation of multi-family buildings to extreme heat
Effects, measures and solutions for resilient housing to extreme heat
Bologi: Humans, resilience and energy and resource use in homes for tomorrow
Energieffektivisering och varsam renovering av fritidshus
The circular kitchen 2.0 from prototyp to implementation
The VGR circular kitchen demonstrator (CIK)
Socio-technical ecology: Energy systems in urban areas with high sustainability profile
Energieffektivitet och kulturvärden i bostäder. Hur väl fungerar styrmedlen på lokal nivå?
Consencus in energy renovation: The tenant in focus
Residential movement in connection to renovation - pilot study
Miljontak – takrenovering med solceller
Urban Materiality - towards New Collaborations in Textile and Architectural Design
Nordic Built – Sustainable Transformation and Environmental Design (STED)
Architecture, material flows and embodied energy in housing
National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for Integrated Sustainable Renovation (SIRen)
Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice
Homes for tomorrow. Building solutions for tomorrow as a reference for today