Hans Hellsmark

Senior Researcher at Environmental Systems Analysis

Hans Hellsmark is associate professor at Chalmers and coordinator of Chalmers Initiative for Innovation and Sustainability Transitions. He is also one of the profile managers for the profile area Technology Governance in Energy Transitions within the Energy Area of Advance as well as Chalmers coordinator for the Swedish knowledge centre for renewable transportation fuels – f3. As a coordinator, he works with actors in academia, industry and policy involved in societal transitions, providing knowledge support and tailored activities.

In his research, the focus is on research and innovation policy for transformative change. He is particularly interested in the socio-economic benefits of governmental investments in research infrastructure, the interaction between policy, industry, research institutes and universities for creating and facilitating societal transition processes.

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Hans Hellsmark

Showing 45 publications


How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries?

Teis Hansen, Johnn Andersson, Jørgen Finstad et al
Climate Policy. Vol. 24 (9), p. 1149-1162
Journal article

Perceptions of decarbonisation challenges for the process industry in Sweden and Norway

Markus Steen, Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark et al
Energy and Climate Change. Vol. 5
Journal article

Directionality in transformative policy missions: The case of reaching net zero emissions in the Swedish process industry

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 437
Journal article

How can pilot and demonstration plants drive market formation? Lessons from advanced biofuel development in Europe

Seyedesmaeil Mousavi, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 194
Journal article

Policy mixes and policy feedback: Implications for green industrial growth in the Swedish biofuels industry

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 173
Journal article

Directionality challenges for transformative innovation policy: lessons from implementing climate goals in the process industry

Anna Bergek, Hans Hellsmark, Kersti Karltorp
Industry and Innovation. Vol. 30 (8), p. 1110-1139
Journal article

Lost in translation: Challenges in creating new transformative innovation policy practices

Johanna Ulmanen, Anna Bergek, Hans Hellsmark
PLoS Sustainability and Transformation. Vol. 1 (10)
Journal article

Transformative innovation policy: A systematic review

Carolina Resende Haddad, Valentina Nakic, Anna Bergek et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 43, p. 14-40
Journal article

Renewable Energy Development in the Presence of Policy Change and Technological Variety: The Case of the Emerging Swedish Biofuel Industry

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Other conference contribution

The outcomes of directionality: Towards a morphology of sociotechnical systems

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 40, p. 108-131
Journal article

Photovoltaics in Sweden – Success or failure?

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 143
Journal article

A comparative case study on the impact of policy mixes on biofuel industry value chains

Barbara Hedeler, Jakob Donner-Amnell, Hans Hellsmark et al
Other conference contribution

Managerial and organizational challenges encountered in the development of sustainable technology: Analysis of Swedish biorefinery pilot and demonstration plants

J. Mossberg, J. Frishammar, Patrik Söderholm et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 276
Journal article

A new dawn for (oil) incumbents within the bioeconomy? Trade-offs and lessons for policy

Hans Hellsmark, Teis Hansen
Energy Policy. Vol. 145
Journal article

Policy mixes and Localization of Value Chains: The Emergence of Biofuel Industries in Finland and Sweden

Barbara Hedeler, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm et al
Other conference contribution

The role of pilot and demonstration plants in market formation for new technologies

Seyedesmaeil Mousavi, Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
IST2020 Book of Abstracts
Paper in proceeding

Technological development for sustainability: The role of network management in the innovation policy mix

Patrik Söderholm, Hans Hellsmark, J. Frishammar et al
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 138, p. 309-323
Journal article

The policymaking process of transformative innovation policy: a systematic review

Carolina Resende Haddad, Valentina Nakic, Anna Bergek et al
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP4)
Paper in proceeding

A knowledge-based perspective on system weaknesses in technological innovation systems

Johan Frishammar, Patrik Soderholm, Hans Hellsmark et al
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 46 (1), p. 55-70
Journal article

Innovation in the bioeconomy–dynamics of biorefinery innovation networks

Fredric Bauer, Teis Hansen, Hans Hellsmark
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. Vol. 30 (8), p. 935-947
Journal article

The limits of academic entrepreneurship: Conflicting expectations about commercialization and innovation in China's nascent sector for advanced bio-energy technologies

Jorrit Gosens, Hans Hellsmark, Tomas Kåberger et al
Energy Research and Social Science. Vol. 37, p. 1-11
Journal article

Shaping factors in the emergence of technological innovations: The case of tidal kite technology

Johnn Andersson, Hans Hellsmark, Björn Sandén
Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Vol. 132, p. 191-298
Journal article

Crossing the biorefinery valley of death? Actor roles and networks in overcoming barriers to a sustainability transition

J. Mossberg, Patrik Söderholm, Hans Hellsmark et al
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 27, p. 83-101
Journal article

Innovation policies for advanced biorefinery development: key considerations and lessons from Sweden

Hans Hellsmark, Patrik Söderholm
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 11 (1), p. 28-40
Journal article

Innovation system strengths and weaknesses in progressing sustainable technology: The case of Swedish biorefinery development

Hans Hellsmark, J. Mossberg, Patrik Söderholm et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 131 (10), p. 702-715
Journal article

The role of pilot and demonstration plants in technology development and innovation policy

Hans Hellsmark, J. Frishammar, Patrik Söderholm et al
Research Policy. Vol. 45 (9), p. 1743-1761
Journal article

Enacting knowledge exchange: a context dependent and ‘role-based’ typology for capturing utility from university research

Eugenia Perez Vico, Hans Hellsmark, M. Jacob
Prometheus. Vol. 33 (1), p. 3-20
Journal article

The many ways of academic researchers - how science is made useful at a University of Technology

Staffan Jacobsson, Eugenia Perez Vico, Hans Hellsmark
Science and Public Policy. Vol. 41 (5), p. 641-657
Journal article

Empiriska mönster och slutsatser för analytiker

Staffan Jacobsson, Anna Bergek, Hans Hellsmark
Teknologiska innovationssystem inom energiområdet. ER 2014:23
Book chapter

Politiska åtgärder för framtidens förnybara drivmedel

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 28-29
Book chapter

Bredda synen på nyttiggörande!

Eugenia Perez Vico, Staffan Jacobsson, Merle Jacob et al
Forskning. Vol. 3, p. 12-
Magazine article

Policy challenges in realising biomass gasification in the European Union

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2012, p. 89-100
Book chapter

Opportunities for and limits to Academics as System Builders - The case of realizing the potential of gasified biomass in Austria

Hans Hellsmark, Staffan Jacobsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 37 (12), p. 5597-5611
Journal article

Entrepreneurial transformations in the Swedish University system: the case of Chalmers University of Technology

M. Jacob, Mats Lundqvist, Hans Hellsmark
Research Policy. Vol. 32, p. 1555-1568
Journal article

Perspectives on Sustainable Repositioning

Olof Zaring, Eva Terrvik, Hans Hellsmark
Paper in proceeding

Climate Change Mitigation and the Role of Business

Rolf Wolff, Olof Zaring, Hans Hellsmark

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Showing 16 research projects


Mission-driven policy instruments for zero and negative emissions: Analysis of how new policy instrument types affect the dynamics and direction of industrial transition

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Maja Svanberg Environmental Systems Analysis
Daniel Carelli Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Interaction platform for research on system transformation

Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
John Holmberg Physical Resource Theory
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Johan Holmén Physical Resource Theory 2


Nordic Hydrogen Hubs - Roadmaps towards 2030 and 2040

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Socio-technical drivers, opportunities and challenges for large-scale CCUS (CaptureX)

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
The research council of Norway


Förverkligandet av framtidens bioekonomi: innovationspolitiska styrmedel och dess effekter

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist

Towards zero emissions in process industry: a case study of key technologies and collaborative projects

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


Pilot and Demonstration Plants for Energy Transitions

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis


New Nordic Ways to Green Growth (NOWAGG)

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis

6 publications exist

System innovation for societal challenges: A strategic knowledge platform

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Valentina Nakic Environmental Systems Analysis
Carolina Resende Haddad Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis

8 publications exist

Policymakers’ capacity to develop a sustainable bioeconomy

Anna Bergek Environmental Systems Analysis
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Johanna Ulmanen Environmental Systems Analysis

2 publications exist

An innovation policy framework and policy options for the development of biorefineries

Julia Hansson Physical Resource Theory
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
f3 – Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Fuels
Swedish Energy Agency


Commercializing the Bio-based Economy: Pilot and Demonstration Plants in Innovation Policy and Management

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publication exists

Att möjliggöra en övergång till bioekonomi: dynamik i innovationssystem och policy

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency


National challenges for industrialising energy technology in global innovation systems

Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Johnn Andersson Environmental Systems Analysis
Mats Lundqvist Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Swedish Energy Agency

4 publications exist

Commercializing the Bio-based Economy: Pilot and Demonstration Plants in Innovation Policy and Management

Hans Hellsmark Environmental Systems Analysis
Johanna Mossberg Unknown organization
Patrik Söderholm Unknown organization
J. Frishammar Unknown organization

There might be more projects where Hans Hellsmark participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.