Anders Berg
Visar 23 publikationer
Evaluating landfast sea ice ridging near UtqiagVik Alaska Using TanDEM-X interferometry
Agreement and Complementarity of Sea Ice Drift Products
X-Band Interferometric SAR Observations of Baltic Fast Ice
Sea ice concentration and drift for the Arctic summer using C- and L-band SAR
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar for Sea Ice Observations, Concentration and Dynamics
Remote sensing for risk analysis of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean
Risk analysis of oil spill in the Arctic Ocean
Demonstration of X-Band SAR Interferometry over Baltic Fast Ice
Remote sensing for risk analysis of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean
SAR Algorithm for Sea Ice Concentration - Evaluation for the Baltic Sea
Spaceborne SAR in Sea Ice Monitoring: Algorithm Development and Validation for the Baltic Sea
Evaluation of sea ice concentration algorithm for SAR data from the Bay of Bothnia
Improved sea ice monitoring for the Baltic Sea - Project summary
Evaluation of new spaceborne SAR sensors for sea-ice monitoring in the Baltic Sea
Metop-GRAS in-orbit instrument performance
Evaluation of a sea ice algorithm for SAR data from the Bay of Bothnia
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Visar 4 forskningsprojekt
Unfolding Sea Ice Dynamics with SAR
Maritim isnavigering med stöd av satellitobservationer
Radar remote sensing of sea ice in the Polar regions
Spaceborne radar measurements of sea ice parameters for climate models (Climatice)