Anders Winnberg
Visar 27 publikationer
Water vapour masers in long-period variable stars: III. Mira variables U Her and RR Aql
Patterns in water maser emission of evolved stars on the timescale of decades
Water vapour masers in long-period variable stars: II. The semi-regular variables R Crt and RT Vir
Water Vapour Masers in the Mira Variable U Herculis
CO in OH/IR stars close to the Galactic centre (Research Note)
The chemical composition of 9P/tempel 1 from radio observations
Water vapour masers in long-period variable stars. 1. RX Bootis and SV Pegasi
Class I methanol masers in regions of low-mass star formation
Thermal Lines of Methanol Towards Bipolar Outflows
Variability of masers in circumstellar shells on timescales of decades
Radio observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
An SiO Maser Search Off the Galactic Plane
Radio observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact
Circumstellar CO in OH/IR Stars Close to the Galactic Centre
The detection of class I methanol masers towards regions of low-mass star formation
Longest continous ground-based measurements of mesospheric CO
The 22 GHz radio-aeronomy receiver at Onsala Space Observatory
How does the Galactic Bulge rotate?
Variability of class II methanol masers in the 3mm wave range
Parameters of warm molecular clouds from methyl acetylene observations
Determination of molecular gas properties using methyl cyanide lines
Probing the properties of methyl cyanide sources
Determination of molecular cloud parameters using thermal methanol lines
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