Anna Syberfeldt

Gästprofessor vid Produktionssystem

Anna Syberfeldt's research is centered on advancing intelligent, efficient, and human-centered production systems through the application of cutting-edge technologies. Her work delves into the use of artificial intelligence and digital twins to optimize manufacturing processes, aiming to enhance efficiency, quality, and adaptability within production environments. Additionally, she investigates the implications of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies, with a focus on promoting sustainability and human-centric approaches in modern manufacturing.

Image of Anna Syberfeldt

Visar 3 publikationer


Immersive Human-Robot Collaboration in Restricted or Confined Spaces

Omkar Salunkhe, Anna Syberfeldt, David Romero et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 730 IFIP, p. 240-252
Paper i proceeding

Bridging the Hype Cycle of Collaborative Robot Applications

Omkar Salunkhe, David Romero, Johan Stahre et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 689 AICT, p. 678-690
Paper i proceeding

Achieving Circular and Efficient Production Systems: Emerging Challenges from Industrial Cases

Mélanie Despeisse, Arpita Chari, Clarissa Alejandra González Chávez et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 633 IFIP, p. 523-533
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt


Code Agents: AI-drivna end-to-end-lösningar för flexibel tillverkning

Omkar Salunkhe Produktionssystem
Anna Syberfeldt Produktionssystem
Hao Wang Produktionssystem
Siyuan Chen Produktionssystem



Johan Stahre Produktionssystem
Anna Syberfeldt Produktionssystem
Sven Ekered Produktionssystem
Omkar Salunkhe Produktionssystem
Clarissa Alejandra González Chávez Produktionssystem

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