Daniella Troje
Visar 14 publikationer
As above, not so below: developing social procurement practices on strategic and operative levels
Beyond Policies and Social Washing: How Social Procurement Unfolds in Practice
Populating the social realm: New roles arising from social procurement
Social procurement in the real world: How employment requirements unfold in construction projects
Rhetorical Strategies to Diffuse Social Procurement in Construction
Employment requirements in Swedish construction procurement: Institutional perspectives
Let the right ones in? Employment requirements in Swedish construction procurement
Examining practices related to employment requirements in procurement
Examining New Professional Actors Related to Employment Requirements
Social procurement and employment requirements in construction
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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt
Att bygga framtidens städer: integrering av återbruk i byggsektorns upphandlingsprocesser
Upphandling för ett hållbart och innovativt samhällsbyggande