David Issa Mattos
Visar 32 publikationer
The HURRIER process for experimentation in business-to-business mission-critical systems
Bayesian paired comparison with the bpcs package
Experimentation for business-to-business mission-critical systems: A case study
An empirical evaluation of algorithms for data labeling
Size matters? or not: A/B testing with limited sample in automotive embedded software
Perceived benefits of continuous deployment in software-intensive embedded systems
Success Factors when Transitioning to Continuous Deployment in Software-Intensive Embedded Systems
Towards Federated Learning: A Case Study in the Telecommunication Domain
Bayesian propensity score matching in automotive embedded software engineering
Assessing the Suitability of Semi-Supervised Learning Datasets using Item Response Theory
Statistical Models for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms with Benchmark Functions
Experimentation for Business-to-Business Mission-Critical Systems: A Case Study
Data Labeling: An Empirical Investigation into Industrial Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
Evaluating the Effects of Different Requirements Representations on Writing Test Cases
Engineering for a science-centric experimentation platform
From Ad-Hoc Data Analytics to DataOps
Automotive A/B testing: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Practice
ACE: Easy deployment of field optimization experiments
Leveraging business transformation with machine learning experiments
Automated optimization of software parameters in a long term evolution radio base station
Multi-armed bandits in the wild: Pitfalls and strategies in online experiments
Message from the RCoSE-DDrEE 2019 workshop organizers
An activity and metric model for online controlled experiments
Towards Automated Experiments in Software Intensive Systems
Your system gets better every day you use it: Towards automated continuous experimentation
Development of a low-cost autonomous surface vehicle using MOOS-IvP
Troubleshooting Optimization Utilizing Multi-Start Simulated Annealing
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