Eskil Mattsson

Visar 36 publikationer


Wood density is a sustainability indicator for the management of dry zone homegarden agroforests: Evidences from biodiversity–ecosystem function relationships

Arshad Ali, Eskil Mattsson
Ecological Indicators. Vol. 105, p. 474-482
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

What is good about Sri Lankan homegardens with regards to food security? A synthesis of the current scientific knowledge of a multifunctional land-use system

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, SP Nissanka
Agroforestry Systems. Vol. 92 (6), p. 1469-1484
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Water, Forests, People: The Swedish Experience in Building Resilient Landscapes

Mats Eriksson, Lotta Samuelson, Linnéa Jägrud et al
Environmental Management. Vol. 62 (1), p. 45-57
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Food security in Sri Lankan homegardens – what does science tell us?

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, SP Nissanka

Disentangling the effects of species diversity, and intraspecific and interspecific tree size variation on aboveground biomass in dry zone homegarden agroforestry systems

Arshad Ali, Eskil Mattsson
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 598, p. 38-48
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Individual tree size inequality enhances aboveground biomass in homegarden agroforestry systems in the dry zone of Sri Lanka

Arshad Ali, Eskil Mattsson
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 575, p. 6-11
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Heterogeneity and assessment uncertainties in forest characteristics and biomass carbon stocks: Important considerations for climate mitigation policies

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Göran Wallin et al
Land Use Policy. Vol. 59, p. 84-94
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Mapping Tree Canopy Cover and Aboveground Biomass in Sudano-Sahelian Woodlands Using Landsat 8 and Random Forest

Martin Karlson, Madelene Ostwald, Heather Reese et al
Remote Sensing. Vol. 7 (8), p. 10017-10041
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Quantification of carbon stock and tree diversity of homegardens in a dry zone area of Moneragala District, Sri Lanka

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, S.P. Nissanka et al
Agroforestry Systems. Vol. 89 (3), p. 435-445
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Trees in home gardens: Making the most of an age-old practice to improve food security and nutrition.

Marion Davis, Ekaterina Bessonova, Jenny Friman et al
Stockholm Environment Institute: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) and Forest, Climate & Livelihood Research Network (Focali), “Forests, Landscapes and Food Security” theme brief, p. 4-
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Executive Summary

Erin Sills, Eskil Mattsson
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), p. 536-
Kapitel i bok

Sharing the Land: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems and Improving Livelihoods Through Agroforestry

Marion Davis, Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson et al
Stockholm Environment Institute: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) and Forest, Climate & Livelihood Research Network (Focali), “Forests, Landscapes and Food Security” theme brief, p. 4-
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Cultivating resilient landscapes – opportunities for restoring degraded and vulnerable land with agroforestry systems

Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson
3rd World Congress of Agroforestry, New Delhi, India, p. 452-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Carbon stock and tree diversity of dry-zone homegardens in Southern Sri Lanka

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, S.P. Nissanka
Proceedings of the Global Land Project 2nd Open Science Meeting, Berlin, March 19-21, 2014, p. 528-
Poster (konferens)

Can Carbon Finance Take Small-scale Agroforestry to The Next Level?

Eskil Mattsson, Matilda Palm, Marion Davis

Cultivating resilient landscapes - opportunities for restoring degraded and vulnerable lands with agroforestry systems

Matilda Palm, Eskil Mattsson
Proceedings of the Global Land Project 2nd Open Science Meeting, Berlin, March 19-21, 2014, p. 528-
Paper i proceeding

Carbon stock and tree diversity of dry-zone homegardens in southern Sri Lanka

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, S.P. Nissanka
Book of Abstracts - World Congress on Agroforestry, p. 72-
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Homegardens as a multi-functional land use strategy in Sri Lanka with focus on carbon sequestration – a conceptual elaboration

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, SP Nissanka et al
Ambio. Vol. 42 (7), p. 892-902
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

REDD+ revisited - steady pace or passed momentum?

Lisa Westholm, Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald

Forest cover change in Sri Lanka: The role of small scale farmers

Sara Lindström, Eskil Mattsson, S. P. Nissanka
Applied Geography. Vol. 34, p. 680-692
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

REDD+ readiness implications for Sri Lanka in terms of reducing deforestation

Eskil Mattsson, Martin Persson, Madelene Ostwald et al
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 100 (15 June 2012), p. 29-40
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Forest characteristics and biomass carbon stocks in Sri Lanka: Uncertainties and research needs

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Göran Wallin et al
Agricultural Research for Development - Scales and Diversity, 28-29 sep, Uppsala
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Learning from Norway - A review of lessons learned for REDD+ donors

Lisa Westholm, Madelene Ostwald, Sabine Henders et al

Assessing baseline and sustainable development in four case countries

Lisa Westholm, Sabine Henders, Madelene Ostwald et al
van Bodegom, A.J., H. Savenije adn M. Wit (eds.), Forests and Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation, p. 27-33
Kapitel i bok

Recovery and protection of coastal ecosystems after tsunami event and potential for participatory forestry CDM - examples from Sri Lanka

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Björn Holmer et al
Ocean & Coastal Management. Vol. 52 (1), p. 1-9
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Rätt kompensation stoppar tropisk avskogning

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Miljöaktuellt. Vol. 34 (9)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Tropisk avskogning måste lösas globalt

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Göteborgsposten (12 dec 2007)
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Nya åtgärder mot tropisk avskogning

Eskil Mattsson, Madelene Ostwald, Matilda Palm
Miljömagasinet 28 sep 2007 (39), p. 2-
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

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