Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres

Visar 14 publikationer


COLREG 3 - Exploring the potential of Large Language Models in marine navigation systems

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Reto Weber, Fredrik Ahlgren et al
Rapport - Lighthouse - Svenskt maritimt kompetenscentrum

COLREG 2 - Potential consequences of varying algorithms in traffic situations

Reto Weber, Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Ted Sjöblom
Rapport - Lighthouse - Svenskt maritimt kompetenscentrum

Simplification and Event Identification for AIS Trajectories: the Equivalent Passage Plan Method

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres
Journal of Navigation. Vol. 72 (2), p. 1-14
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Effective use of composite marine structures: reducing weight and acquisition cost

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Marine Composites - Design and Performance, p. 161-184
Kapitel i bok

Characterization of non-crimp fabric laminates: loss of accuracy due to strain measuring techniques

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Journal of Testing and Evaluation. Vol. 44 (6), p. 2321-2337
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Opportunities for Weight Reduction in Composite Marine Structures

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres

Modelling approaches for reliability estimations of fibre-reinforced plastic laminates

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Proceedings of The ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2014). Vol. 4A, p. 1-10
Paper i proceeding

Influence of mechanical and probabilistic models on the reliability estimates of fibre-reinforced cross-ply laminates

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Structural Safety. Vol. 51 (1), p. 35-46
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Study on the possibility of increasing the maximum allowable stresses in fibre-reinforced plastics

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Journal of Composite Materials. Vol. 47 (16), p. 1931-1941
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A parametric study of joint design in a HSLC composite vessel

Christian Näslund, Osman Ozan Uyanik, Jonas Ringsberg et al
Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Light Weight Marine Structures (LIWEM 2012), p. 1-13
Paper i proceeding

Effects of matrix cracking on the estimation of operational limits of FRP laminates

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Proceedings of The 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), p. 1-8
Paper i proceeding

Optimization of composite maritime structures-effects of uncertainties on design criteria and limits

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Advances in Marine Structures, p. 707-714
Kapitel i bok

Optimization of composite maritime structures - effects of uncertainties on design criteria limits

Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres, Jonas Ringsberg, Erland Johnson
Advances in Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2011), p. 707-714
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 2 forskningsprojekt


COLREG3 – Utforska potentialen hos stora språkmodeller i marina navigationssystem

Reto Weber Nautiska Studier
Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres Teknisk och maritim ledning
Fredrik Ahlgren Unknown organization
Fredrik Olsson Unknown organization
Oxana Lundström Unknown organization


Marine Traffic Model – tool for effective decision-making

Jonas Ringsberg Marin teknik
Luis Felipe Sanchez Heres Marin teknik

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