Guillaume Drouart
Visar 15 publikationer
ALMA detects molecular gas in the halo of the powerful radio galaxy TXS 0828+193
SMM J04135+10277: a distant QSO-starburst system caught by ALMA
ALMA Detections of CO Emission in the Most Luminous, Heavily Dust-obscured Quasars at z > 3
ALMA finds dew drops in the dusty spider's web
Estimating sizes of faint, distant galaxies in the submillimetre regime
The mysterious morphology of MRC0943-242 as revealed by ALMA and MUSE
C II emission in z similar to 6 strongly lensed, star-forming galaxies
The molecular gas content of ULIRG type 2 quasars at z < 1 (Research Note)
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