Habibur Seikh Mohammad Rahman
Visar 32 publikationer
A New Solid-State Proton Conductor: The Salt Hydrate Based on Imidazolium and 12-Tungstophosphate
Local structure and vibrational dynamics of proton conducting Ba2In2O5(H2O)x
Advanced materials and technologies for hybrid supercapacitors for energy storage – A review
Highly dense and chemically stable proton conducting electrolyte sintered at 1200 °C
Oxide evolution on Alloy X-750 in simulated BWR environment
Proton Dynamics in Hydrated BaZr0.9M0.1O2.95 (M = Y and Sc) Investigated with Neutron Spin-Echo
Characterisation of structure and conductivity of BaTi0.5Sc 0.5O3 - δ
Proton conductivity of hexagonal and cubic BaTi1-xScxO3-δ (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.8)
Physical and electrochemical properties of cobalt doped (Ti,Ru)O-2 electrode coatings
Synthesis, Structure and Proton Conduction of Substituted BaTiO3 and BaZrO3 Perovskites
In-situ activated hydrogen evolution by molybdate addition to neutral and alkaline electrolytes
50 mol% indium substituted BaTiO3: Characterization of structure and conductivity
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