Håkan Lane
Visar 18 publikationer
Rail vibrations caused by ground stiffness transitions
Moving finite elements and dynamic vehicle interaction
Rail- and Roadway Dynamics - uncoupled and coupled analysis
Finite element calculations of rail vibration countermeasures
Computational Railway Dynamics - Integrated Train - Track - Subgrade Modeling and Simulations
Vehicle-track-underground modeling of rail induced wave propagation
Adaptive solid wave propagation - Influences of boundary conditions in high-speed train applications
Moving mesh adaptivity applied to railway dynamics
Moving mesh adaptivity applied to railway dynamics
Computational railway dynamics
Absorbing boundary layers for elastic wave propagation
Moving mesh domain adaptation technique - application to train induced wave propagation
Towards Integrated Vehicle-track.underground Modelling of Train Induced Wave Propagation
Modelling train passage in curves with isoparametric differntial constraint equations.
Rail induced wave propagation in soil facing sloping rock
Reflection waves from high speed trains - adaptive FE solutions
Adaptive Solid Wave Propagation - Influences of Boundary Conditions in High-Speed Train Applications
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