Imed Hammouda
Visar 27 publikationer
Involving External Stakeholders in Project Courses
Efficiency and effectiveness of requirements elicitation techniques for children
Modeling support for strategic API planning and analysis
Towards a formal API assessment
Message from Chairs of SEiA 2018
Experiences applying e<sup>3</sup> value modeling in a cross-company study
Goals, workflow, and value: Case study experiences with three modeling frameworks
An exploratory study on strategic software development outsourcing
Measuring perceived trust in open source software communities
The Role of Local Open Source Communities in the Development of Open Source Projects
Teaching Agile: Addressing the Conflict Between Project Delivery and Application of Agile Methods
Open Source Systems: Integrating Communities
Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium at the 12th International Conference on Open Source Systems
An Investigation of Migrating from Proprietary RTOS to Embedded Linux
Continuous API Design for Software Ecosystems
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Social Software Engineering
Pluggable Systems as Architectural Pattern: An Ecosystemability Perspective
The Role of Secondary Software in Automotive Ecosystems
The Driving Forces of API Evolution
Teaching scrum – what we did, what we will do and what impedes us
Continuous API-Design for Software Ecosystems
CASE Tools versus Pencil and Paper - A Student's Perspective on Modeling Software Design
EAM: Ecosystemability Assessment Method
Socio-Technical Dependencies in Forked OSS Projects: Revealing Evidence from BSD Family
Socio-Technical Congruence in the Ruby Ecosystem
Who Contributes to What? Exploring Hidden Relationships between FLOSS Projects
Prediction models and techniques for Open Source Software projects: A systematic literature review
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