Piotr Hanczyc
Visar 15 publikationer
Two-photon absorption of polyfluorene aggregates stabilized by insulin amyloid fibrils
Stimulated Emission from Rhodamine 6G Aggregates Self-Assembled on Amyloid Protein Fibrils
Low-threshold stimulated emission from lysozyme amyloid fibrils doped with a blue laser dye
Binuclear ruthenium(II) complexes for amyloid fibrils recognition
Multiphoton absorption in amyloid protein fibres
Two-photon absorption of metal–organic DNA-probes
Nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction: Maximizing the merit factors
Nonlinear absorption spectra of ethidium and ethidium homodimer
DNA in a polyvinyl alcohol matrix and interactions with three intercalating cyanine dyes
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of DNA binding chromophores
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt